The flow of air caused by ____ and the Coriolis effect creates distinct wind patterns on Earth's surface.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question above is the difference in heating. Th flow of air is caused by the difference in heating and the Coriolis effect creates distinct wind patterns on the Earth's surface.
Answer 2


Unequal heating of the earth surface.


Wind refers to the moving mass of air. It originates due to the unequal heating of the surface of the earth that takes place because of the heat energy provided from the Sun. This difference in the heating of the earth's surface give rise to the formation of the low pressure and the high pressure zone. The wind flows from the region of high pressure zone to a region of low pressure zone.

This wind flow is affected by the Coriolis force that comes into the picture because of the rotation of the earth, that allows the wind to move in a distinct pattern in both the hemispheres. It flows in clockwise manner in the northern and anticlockwise manner in the southern hemisphere.

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1.)cari batok kelapa yang bagus
2.)buat dengan menarik
3.)tambah aksesoris, misalnya cat,tulisan dsb
4.)jika semua sudah lengkap, kerajinan batok kelapa dapat dipajang
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Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was thea. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.
b. granting of the right to vote to women.
c. elimination of the electoral college system for electing the President.
d. extension of suffrage to most African Americans.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "a. elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections." Before the Civil War, one example of increased democracy was the elimination of property ownership as a requirement for voting in national elections.

Your boss asks you to adjust the temperature so that a sound wave travels more quickly through the air. You increase the temperature from 30°C to 36°C. What's the velocity of the sound wave at this new temperature?A. 352.6 Hz B. 350.0 Hz C. 344.0 Hz D. 335.6 Hz


We can calculate the speed of sound with this formula:
v = 331 + 0.6T, where v is the velocity of the sound wave in units of m/s and T is the temperature measured in degrees Celsius.

When the temperature is 36°C, the velocity of the sound wave is:
v = 331 + (0.6)(36) = 331 + 21.6 = 352.6 m/s.

The correct answer is A. 352.6 m/s

(Please note that we do not use the unit Hz to measure the velocity of a sound wave. The unit Hz is used to measure frequency. We should use m/s to measure the velocity of a sound wave.)

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b. the increase in taxation.
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d. industrialization and the growth of cities.


I'm thinking It's (A)

The continent with no deforestation (besides Antarctica) isA) Europe.
B) North America.
C) South America.
D) Asia.
E) none of the above.


Europe has been going though deforestation since the neolitic times.
In North America deforestation can be found for example in Canada
South America is undergoing deforestation- for example in Bolivia
Asia is definitely undergoing deforestation- for example in Indonesia

so the correct answer is: none of the above!