The main function of a school board is to


Answer 1
Answer: The main function of a school board is to set up policy / rules/ Regulation within the school, such as the criteria for a students to get in, the educational system, etc.
These policies will later be administered by the operational teams of the school which is imposed for the benefit of the Students. 
Answer 2

The main function of a school board is to  manage public schools in accordance with state and federal law.

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Any quarantine of a sovereign state can turn into war fairly quickly, especially when the country in question has deep alliances with other, perhaps more powerful, countries. 

If the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had nonappointive to run the quarantine/blockade, the US would have laid-off on Soviet ships. this could are an act of war, and therefore the state would have had no selection however to replythis could have dragged in each sides' allies, triggering a replacement warfare. And an increase to a nuclear exchange would virtually actually have occurred, as whichever aspect was losing in a very typical war would have had very little selection, however, use nukes or surrender.

Final answer:

In Thirteen Days movie, the quarantine on Cuba was a critical part of the Cuban Missile Crisis which could have escalated into a full-scale war within a matter of days, depending on actions and reactions of both the US and the Soviet Union and their strategic decision-making.


In the movie Thirteen Days, the quarantine on Cuba was a critical part of the Cuban Missile Crisis. The policy set by the US government was meant to prevent the Soviet Union from bringing further offensive weapons into Cuba. However, the situation was extremely volatile and could have escalated into an all-out war very quickly.

It is hard to determine an exact timeline of when the crisis could have escalated into war. It depended on the actions and reactions of both the US and the Soviet Union, their willingness to negotiate, and their decisions made under immense pressure. If either side had miscalculated or reacted aggressively, the quarantine could have turned into a full-scale war within a matter of days.

This highlight the importance of negotiation, diplomacy, and strategic decision-making in preventing potentially catastrophic outcomes during tense political standoffs.

Learn more about Cuban Missile Crisis here:


Black explains in the dissent that he believes in freedom of speech, but it:A. is a flawed law.
B. cannot include ideas others disagree with.
C. cannot occur anywhere at any time.
D. complies with his beliefs.


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B. cannot include ideas others disagree with.." Black explains in the dissent that he believes in freedom of speech, but it: B. cannot include ideas others disagree with.

cannot occur anywhere at any time.

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delivering mail and collecting duties and taxes !!

Which of the following was an economic event that led to an expansion of voting rights in the US?A) the Panic of 1819
B) the War of 1812
C) the Campaign of 1828
D) the “Corrupt Bargain” of 1824


Correct answer choice is:

A) the Panic of 1819

In 1819, the spectacular post-War of 1812 economic growth concluded. Banks throughout the country were collapsed; mortgages were ruled out, individuals were forced to leave their houses and off their agricultural farms. Falling costs impaired agriculture and producing, unemployment covered the whole country.

The Panic of 1819. It was a recession that made the people want to be able to better choose who was elected president.

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America was a refuge for people in Europe that did not conform to the religious and political norm of their country. Many US states were founded by religious communities from Europe, such as the Quakers, Protestants, and Puritans.

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Nonalignment allowed India, Pakistan and other nations like Tito's Yugoslavia and Nasser's Egypt, to escape the imperialistic dynamics of the U.S. and the USSR. Despite internal instability, nonaligned countries cooperated with each other and were able to trade with both communist and Western countries.