Which is true about district courts?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer would be : Each state has at least one district court

District Courts is a place to handle the serious criminal cases that appealed from the lower courts. Since each states in the United states have different laws regarding each criminal cases, each state has to got at least one district court

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People's Party was critical of capitalism and thought that banks and other institutions had the potential to abuse their workers.

They believed that if the government took control over the railroads and banks,  it could prevent those institutions from abusing their workers.
The situation at that time was that by building railroads, companies were forcefully taking control of farmer's land, which would prevent them from being able to grow crops or earn anything. They believed that if the Government was owning railroads and banks, it could help farmers instead of just "steal from them".

A country’s gross domestic product divided by its population is known as __________.



GDP per capita.


When the gross domestic product is divided by the population size, we attain the GDP per capita, which means that we get to know how much of the money the country has would each citizen have if it were distributed equally among all the population. This is a good measurement to make comparisons among countries, because since there is a difference in population size and in GDP, having a number per capita makes the comparison a bit more fair.

its GDP per capita.

Capita is Latin for "head".
So essentially, "Growth domestic product for each head - or each person."

Which do you prefer
why dont we or 5 sos



personally i prefer 5sos



5 sos


Jin is a conflict theorist sociologist. Which of the following statements about Occupy Wall Street would most align with Jin’s sociological perspective?



a. Occupy Wall Street is positive; our capitalist economy is only making social inequality grow larger.


Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts occur when wealth, prestige, and power are distributed unevenly among groups within society and these conflicts created environment for social change. The theory is deeply rooted in Karl Marx's philosophy, which centered on the causes and consequences of the (proliferate) class conflict between the capitalist and working class.

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extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
perceptions of equity and reward desirability
situational motivators
higher-order needs and organizational structure


The primary ways to create reinforcement contingencies in organizations are extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.

Women are more likely to lose their jobs during an economic downturn because __________.a. many work in the informal sector
b. maternity leave does not secure their positions
c. most countries require companies to lay off women before men
d. many are part of the unpaid labor force


Women are more likely to lose their jobs during an economic downturn because many work in the informal sector

What is an economic downturn?

A considerable decrease in overall economic activity in a particular area is referred to as a recession or economic downturn by macroeconomic experts.

According to the GDP together with other monthly indicators like a rise in unemployment, it has generally been identified as two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), however, which is responsible for formally classifying recessions, claims that the two consecutive quarters of real GDP contraction are no longer the standard definition of a recession.

Economic downturn, according to the NBER, are periods of severe reduction in economic activity that affect the entire economy and persist longer than a few months. These periods are typically reflected in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.

Economic downturn are formally proclaimed by the NBER, although businesses, investors, and government officials keep an eye on a number of economic indicators that can help predict or confirm their onset.

To shed light on the causes and consequences of recessions, numerous economic theories have been created.

What is the Informal sector?

A country's untaxed, unregulated, or "grey economy" is referred to as its "informal economy" (also known as the "informal sector" or "grey economy").

Although it accounts for a sizable share of economies in developing nations, the informal sector is occasionally labelled as problematic and out of control. However, the informal sector, which has been growing quickly since the 1960s, offers important economic opportunities for the poor. The formalization of the informal economy presents a significant policy problem.

Hence, option A is the correct answer

To learn more about the informal sector here,



The answer is A i just took the test