Which is characterized by an absence of jaws?A. Lamprey

B. Trout

C. Sea horse


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is A. Lamprey. Lampreys and hagfish are two groups of jawless fish who still survive today. They are the most primitive fish species, and they are placed in superclass Agnatha or Agnathostomata which means 'without jaws'.
Answer 2
Answer: the answer is b hope this helps

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Fever is an elevated temperature of the human body that is substantially beyond the normal range. Normal body temperature fluctuates daily from about one degree below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to one degree above that number. Lower body temperatures usually occur before dawn; higher temperatures in the afternoon.

Body temperature also varies slightly depending on where on the human body it is measured. Rectal (internal) temperature tends normally to be higher than skin (surface) temperature. Oral and armpit temperatures can approximate actual body temperature and are more convenient to measure.

Explain. How mitotic cell division results in more cells that allow growth of the organism, can differentiate to create different cell types, and replace dead cells to maintain a complex organism.



The mitotic cell division results in more cells that allow growth of the organism because of mitosis. Mitosis is when a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The major purpose of mitosis is for growth and to replace worn out cells.

hope this helps :)


Coral and sea anemones are botha. sponges.
b. flatworms.
c. cnidarians.
d. roundworms.


They are C. cnidarians. 
It's c. cnidarians.
Hope this helped

Considering that we are all made up of the same 4 nucleotides in our DNA, the same 4 nucleotides in our RNA, and the same 20 amino acids in our proteins, why are we so different from each other?


The order that the nucleotide are arranged in form different 'codes' to create traits.RNA in human is used for transporting,and making the amino acids proteins.

The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, changes more traits and characteristics.

Nucleotide in DNA contains four different nitrogenous bases-

  • Thymine
  • Cytosine
  • Adenine
  • Guanine

Pyrimidines: Cytosine and thymine each have a single six-member ring.

Purines:Guanine and adenine each have a double ring made up of a five-atom ring attached by one side to a six atom ring.

Therefore,they are different, due to nucleotide of our DNA contains four different nitrogenous bases.

To know more about the  DNA and RNA nucleotide follow the link:


The order that the nucleotides are arranged in form different "codes" to create traits. RNA in humans is used for transporting, and making the amino acid proteins. The order of amino acid proteins also changes the polypeptide formed, and changes more traits, and characteristics. Basically, it's like reading a book. Each book is made up of the same 26 letters, but their all arranged in different orders. You can find the some of the same words in another book, but no two books are exactly alike. All the letters and words are arranged in different ways, even though other books have the same letters and words. 

What does it mean that organisms have a nearly universal genetic code?



It means the way genes are expressed is the same in most organisms.


All living organisms use the same DNA or RNA as their genetic material. The manner in which the information in these genes are encoded or expressed is known as the GENETIC CODE. Genetic code comprises of all the codons that specifies amino acids in all living organisms. Only 20 amino acids in different sequential pattern makes up all proteins.

Nearly all living organisms use the same genetic code, as a codon does not specify a different amino acid in another organism. It is universal in all organisms that AUG codon specifies Methionine. Only slight differences to this pattern of genetic expression has been discovered, hence, the genetic code is said to be NEARLY UNIVERSAL.

Final answer:

The idea of a nearly universal genetic code refers to the common genetic 'language' shared by nearly all organisms. This means that, across an extraordinarily diverse array of species, the same sequences of DNA and RNA (the genetic code) translate to the same amino acids, which, in turn, build the same proteins. The universality of this code strongly suggests that all life shares a common origin.


The nearly universal genetic code refers to the fact that virtually all living organisms use the same codons, or sequences of DNA and RNA, to code for specific amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. This conservation of codons is seen across a vast array of species, with minor exceptions. For instance, if the mRNA encoding the globin protein in horses is transferred to a tulip cell, the tulip would synthesize the same protein, suggesting a common origin of all life on Earth.

The 64 possible combinations of triplet codons coding for 20 amino acids and with the occurrence of only one genetic code demonstrates the idea of degeneracy in the genetic code. This means that more than one codon can specify the same amino acid. For instance, unusual amino acids such as selenocysteine and pyrrolysine have been found in archaea and bacteria, which use unique codons.

Ultimately, the universality and degeneracy of the genetic code highlight the homologous characteristic shared by all species suggesting they share a common ancestor. This is powerful evidence for the shared biochemistry in all forms of life.

Learn more about Universal genetic code here:



What happens to the energy during a chemical reaction?Energy is burned up by the reaction.

Energy is converted from one form to another.

Energy is created by the reaction.

Energy is used up by the chemical reaction.


The Energy is converted from one to another.

The answer would be "B".