How does John Milton link the mirth of "L'Allegro" with melancholy of "IL pensoroso" in these two excerpts? In notes, with many a winding bout
Of linked sweetnes long drawn out,
With wanton heed, and giddy cunning,
The melting voice through mazes running;
Untwisting all the chains that tie
The hidden soul of harmony.
(from "L'Allegro")

To the full voic'd Quire below,
In Service high, and Anthems cleer,
As may with sweetnes, through mine ear,
Dissolve me into extasies,
And bring all Heav'n before mine eyes.
And may at last my weary age
Find out the peaceful hermitage,
(from "Il Penseroso")

1. He suggests that both mirth and melancholy make human life peaceful.
2. He suggests that both mirth and melancholy put human life under the authority of God.
3. He links melancholy and mirth by saying they both help people find their true nature and soul.
4. He uses musical imagery to show that both mirth and melancholy lead to satisfying ends.
5. He uses the concept of careless youth and wise old age to show that mirth and melancholy are interlinked.


Answer 1

John Milton links the mirth of "L'Allegro" with the melancholy of "IL Pensoroso" as:

He links melancholy and mirth by saying they both help people find their true nature and soul.

John Milton's "L'Allegro" and IL Pensoroso" are lyric poems in which the speaker asks melancholy and sadness to go away from his life and dwell at some other place. He calls the goddess of joy and asks her to bring happiness into his life. The poem reflects on the lives of the people and how melancholy and mirth helps them to attain the true meaning of life.  The poet invites melancholy to dwell with him as he thinks that it carries peace, happiness, and contemplation with it.

Answer 2



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B.It spread throughout something 
Your answer is b. to spread throughout.
If we look at the meaning of Permeate we get that it is meaning to spread throughout, or to spread in general. Leaving out answer with B.

What rule applies to this word?envy
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B.Group II. When the root is a full word except for a final e, the forms usually are spelled with -able
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The given root word above is the word "envy" and the rule that applies to this word is option C. Group III. The suffix -able always follows i. With the word envy, the last letter "y" should be changed to "i" then add a vowel suffix. In Group III, as stated, we change the "y" to "i" then add -able, so the word becomes "enviable" making it an adjective. Hope this helps!


Rule C - Group III: The suffix “-able” always follows “i”.


When a word ends in “y”, such as “envy”, the “y” becomes an “i” when adding the suffix“-able” to make new adjectives. In this case, envy becomes enviable. There are other examples which exemplify this rule: justify - justifiable, or rely - reliable.

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b. by enticing the reader with exciting action
c. by creating an atmosphere of uncertainty
d. by drawing the reader in emotionally



b. by enticing the reader with exciting action


Suspense in stories is built step by step, in a slow way, creating an atmosphere of uncertainity and carrying the reader with you to the place where you want to take him, if you give the reader an exciting action when you are trying to build suspense the reader will completely forget the suspense you were trying to build and loose the mindset needed.

B. by enticing the reader with exciting action

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and use me when you eat to no end.
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Gluttony. What motivates us naturally as humans is what makes us happy; when we forego the use of things that make us happy we fail because we have no motivations. The author uses the example of shopping and and eating. Someone who shops excessively is being gluttonous, as with someone who is eating.

Calvary” most likely suggest?


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a. flower
b. bringing to completion
c. state of beginning


Ifthe word efflorescence means "a blossoming forth”, then the ‘escence’ meansletter c: state of beginning. It is like the fundamental source of everythingbeautiful that is yet to grow. A default of a thing coming for beauty. Efflorescenceis something that came from something that we do not know yet if it isbeautiful or not when it grows. But in the right time, everything about it willunravel, slowly but surely, like a flower, from being just a bud (escence) tobecoming a flower with healthy petals (efflorescence). Ifthe word efflorescence means "a blossoming forth”, then the ‘escence’ meansletter c: state of beginning. It is like the fundamental source of everythingbeautiful that is yet to grow. A default of a thing coming for beauty. Efflorescenceis something that came from something that we do not know yet if it isbeautiful or not when it grows. But in the right time, everything about it willunravel, slowly but surely, like a flower, from being just a bud (escence) tobecoming a flower with healthy petals (efflorescence).