Explain how the Doppler effect works for sound waves and give some familiar examples.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

Doppler effect : According to Doppler effect whenever there is a relative motion between the source and observer then there is an increase or decrease in frequency of sound light or waves.

REASON OF DOPPLER EFFECT : Doppler effect is mainly due to the sudden change in pitch of the sound

EXAMPLE OF DOPPLER EFFECT : The best example of Doppler effect is when an ambulance passes and when it comes closer then the frequency of the siren increases and when it goes away its frequency decreases.

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when u learn something new it goes to ur short term memory

Ultrasonic imaging is made possible due to the fact that a sound wave is partially reflected whenever it hits a boundary between two materials with different densities within the body. the percentage of the wave reflected when traveling from material 1 into material 2 is r=(ρ1−ρ2ρ1+ρ2)2. knowing this, why does the technician apply ultrasound gel to the patient before beginning the examination?



The gel that is applied before ultrasonic imaging is a conducting material. It acts as a medium between transducer and skin. The ultrasonic waves easily transmit from the probe to the tissues because of gel. A tight bond is created between the probe and skin layer and the gel acts as a coupling agent. The density of the gel is similar to the skin layer. This reduces the attenuation of the waves.  A thin layer of gel is applied which fills the air gaps and helps in transmission of waves to the tissues. Hence, the technician apply ultrasound gel to the patient before beginning the examination

The gel has a density similar to that of skin, so very little of the incident ultrasonic wave is lost by reflection.

Which of the following could be reasonable explanations for how a piece of invisible tape gets charged? Select all that apply. (1) Protons are pulled out of nuclei in one tape and transferred to another tape.
(2) Charged molecular fragments are broken off one tape and transferred to another.
(3) Electrons are pulled out of molecules in one tape and transferred to another tape.
(4) Neutrons are pulled out of nuclei in one tape and transferred to another tape.



2 and 3


The right answer is the option 2 and 3,

This is all about the electrons transfer from one material to the other material.

For example if the electrons in the valence shell of one material are loosely attached then the other material's atoms try to take those electron to complete their shells and that is how the charges transfers from one another.

And it could also be happen as in option 2.

Since the density of air decreases with an increase in temperature, but the bulk modulus B is nearly independent of temperature, how would you expect the speed of sound waves in air to vary with temperature?


To develop this problem it is necessary to apply the concept related to the speed of sound waves in fluids.

By definition we know that the speed would be given by


\beta = Bulk modulus

\rho =Density of air

From the expression shown above we can realize that the speed of sound is inversely proportional to the fluid in which it is found, in this case the air. When the density increases, the speed of sound decreases and vice versa.

According to the statement then, if the density of the air decreases due to an increase in temperature, we can conclude that the speed of sound increases when the temperature increases. They are directly proportional.

A radioactive nucleus has a half-life of 5*108 years. Assuming that a sample of rock (say, in an asteroid) solidified right after the solar system formed, approximately what fraction of the radioactive element should be left in the rock today? The age of the solar system is 4.5*109 years. (No calculator is necessary, but if it helps use it.)





The half-life of the radioactive nucleus is related to its quantity, by the following equation:

N_(t) = N_(0)2^{-t/t_(1/2)}


N(t): is the quantity of the radioactive nucleus at time t

N₀: is the  initial quantity of the radioactive nucleus

t: is the time = 4.5x10⁹ years

t(1/2): is the half-life of the radioactive nucleus = 5x10⁸ years

(N_(t))/(N_(0)) = 2^{-4.5 \cdot 10^(9) y/5 \cdot 10^(8) y} = 2 \cdot 10^(-3)

Therefore, the fraction of the radioactive element in the rock today is 0.002.

I hope it helps you!  

A 5-kg moving at 6 m/s collided with a 1-kg ball at rest. The ball bounce off each other and the second ball moves in the same direction as the first ball at 10 m/sec. What is the velocity of the first ball after the collision?


Given :

A 5-kg moving at 6 m/s collided with a 1-kg ball at rest.

The ball bounce off each other and the second ball moves in the same direction as the first ball at 10 m/sec.

To Find :

The velocity of the first ball after the collision.

Solution :

We know, by conservation of momentum :

m_1u_1 + m_2u_2 = m_1v_1 + m_2v_2

Putting all given values with directions ( one side +ve and other side -ve ).

5* 6 + 1* 0 =5 * v_1 + 1* 10\n\n5v_1=10-30\n\nv = -4 \ m/s

Therefore, the velocity of first ball after the collision is 4 m/s after in opposite direction.

Hence, this is the required solution.