On January 1, 2018, Riley Corp. acquired some of the outstanding bonds of one of its subsidiaries. The bonds had a carrying value of $421,620, and Riley paid $401,937 for them. How should you account for the difference between the carrying value and the purchase price in the consolidated financial statements for 2018?


Answer 1


The gain on exthinguish will be       19,683


The bond had a carrying value of 421,620

They were purchase at                   401,937

The gain on exthinguish will be       19,683

That's because the bonds payable were purchase from third parties.

The subsidiary already issued the bond in a previous period.

When the parent company purchase the bonds, they were retired from other entities, so it is not a intra-entity transaction, therefore produces gains or losses.

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Among the most effective ways to increase sales of an online service is to offer some form of free trial for users to experiment with before they purchase the full service. The benefit of such a practice is to encourage sales in individuals who would not buy the product without having tried it first.Which of the following is best supported by the information given above?
A. The number of people who see the free trial as an acceptable replacement for buying the online service is not greater than the number of people who buy the online service because of their experience within the free trial.
B. Because the cost of offering a free trial can be high, companies are often resistant to offering free trials, especially free trials that offer all features included within the paid version of the online service.
C. In calculating the total number of an online service sold, free trials are generally included as zero-dollar sales rather than as a separate category.
D. The number of sales for a given online service is directly proportional to the number of visitors to the online service's website, a number that tends to increase if a free trial is offered.
E. Online services that are easily adapted to free trial versions sell better than do online services that are not readily distributed as free trials.



Option D


When providing an online service, a company firstly targets to reach the maximum audience. With the increase in reach of audience the chances and feasibility of sales also increases.

But, still there are many customers who desire to have a free trial of service, in order to ensure themselves about the quality and  detailed description of service.

In case company agrees to provide free trial, those customers are also satisfied and tend to avail the online service.

Thus, although the sales is directly proportional to the number of visitors, but it would definitely increase by providing the free trial of online service, as ensures more satisfaction in customers.

Final Answer

Option D

A problem at work must be handled the same way as a personal conflict.


That statement is False

Everyone should separate their work problems and personal conflict and try their best not to let one affect the other

Often time, personal conflict ( such as a dispute with a co-worker) will cloud one's judgement and make him/here not making the best and rational work decision

A problem at work must be handled the same way as a personal conflict. TRUE OR FALSE

-The answer is FALSE.

In the Classical Theory, it is the price-wage-interest rate _____________ that restores the economy to full employment if Household or Business spending declines..





According to classical economists, the price-wage-interest rate flexibility refers to a combination of flexible factors that maintains economic stability:

  • Flexible interest rates keeps the money markets (loans) in equilibrium.
  • Flexible wages keeps the labor market in equilibrium.
  • Flexible prices keeps the goods and services markets in equilibrium.

Therefore, if spending declines, the economy will self-adjust using flexible interest rates (interest rates should lower), flexible wages (wages should lower) and flexible prices (prices should lower) until the economy rebounds.

2. the forex markets are different kinds of markets where customers are connected globally. elaborate.


It means that the currency that exist in forex market could be either sold or bought by anyone around the world.

for example ,

I live in United states. But through forex market, i could easily buy or sell Yen currency, which is used in Japan

Which of the following is NOT a cost typically associated with owning a car?


a scooter. It is way different from a car. It does not have an engine!!!!!:)

Consider this mission statement: "To make the world a bright clean place by making our products a household name worldwide." This statement is an example of a/an _______ mission statement. A. innovative B. grand scale C. social values D. anti-


Consider this mission statement: "To make the world a bright clean place by making our products a household name worldwide." This statement is an example of a grand scale mission statement. 

mission statement is a statement that is used as a medium of communicating the purpose of the organization. 

the answer is B. grand scale