The next level of idea importance, or the "second level of subordination" must be _____. units chapters topic sentences chapter subdivisions


Answer 1
Answer: The second level of subordination is called 'Chapter SUBDIVISIONS.'  It follows 'chapter' which is preceded by units. Chapter subdivisions is then followed by topic sentences. So the order will be: Units, Chapter, Chapter subdivisions, and Topic sentences.
Answer 2


Ideas should be ordered from general to specific, likewise from abstraction to concretion; the more general the idea the higher the level of significance, which provides logic to the work. Thus subdivisions ought have affinity with the whole.

Chapter subdivisions are chapter within chapters, with a chapter being one of the major divisions. Therefore the "second level of subordination" is "Chapter subdivisions"


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21. B bucz in the prewriting stage you see wat info u would like to put inu r story. 

22. bucz if u stick to 1 topic then ur writing will turn out good. 

23. B bucz it is part of the information in the dtory.

24. Correct! 

25. Correct bucz tat is a writing that is wrote to be shared.

Hope i helped ya! 

Use the past perfect of the verb study to complete the following sentence. Serge _____ Latin for three years before he started college.


The correct answer is Serge had studied Latin for three years before he started college.

The Past Perfect tense is used to talk about an action that was completed at some point in the past before another action that also happened in the past. This tense is formed with the auxiliary verb Had + Past Participle of a verb.

Serge HAD STUDIED latin for three years before he started college.

13. The following sentence contains which type of conjunction?He is not only a great player but also an exceptional coach.

A. Coordinating
B. Subordinating
C. Correlative
D. Phrasal


The question is asking to choose among the following choices that states the type of conjunctions that is used in the sentence, base on my research, I would say that the answer would be letter A. Coordinating. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have questions and further clarifications in the said problem

Based on my research, I would guess that the answer would be letter A. The correct option is A.

The question asks you to select one of the following options, each of which describes the sort of conjunctions that are utilized in the sentence. Coordinating.

Thus,  If you have any other concerns or need any answers on the aforementioned issue, please feel free to inquire. I hope my response has pleased you.

Pairs of conjunctions called correlative conjunctions join two related components of a sentence. The conjunctions "not only...but also" in this sentence relate the qualities of being a great player and a great coach.

Thus, Based on my research, I would guess that the answer would be letter A. The correct option is A.

Learn more about Conjuctions, refer to the link:


In Walter Mitty's daydream, how do the other characters treat him



They treat him with respect.


In Walter Mitty's daydream, the other characters treat him with respect. This is evidence of the way Walter feels in real life. Walter feels that the people around him in real life do not give him the respect he deserves. Therefore, when he is daydreaming, Walter is able to fill this gap by imagining that he is respected and appreciated.

they treat him with respect

What takes place during the decline stage of a social movement?A. The social movement expresses widespread discontent about an issue.
B. The social movement finds like-minded people to join.
C. The social movement becomes organized.
D. The social movement begins to fall apart.


The answer is D: The social movement begins to fall apart.

A social movement has many stages, from its point of creation (when an idea for change, reform, or revolution begins to mobilize a group of people following it) to its success or demise (either the success of the instauration of the idea of the falling apart of the movement), and each social movement is unique. However, all social movements could be said to share the two aforementioned moments, and so, when a social movement enters a stage of decline, it can be said that such social movement has begun to fall apart and will soon meet its demise.  

Is the placement of the adjective clause in the sentence correct or incorrect? The movie is a good choice for families, which is about a talking cat. A. incorrectly placed B. correctly placed


The correct option is A.

The correct way to state the sentence would be:

The movie, which is about a talking cat, is a good choice for families.
I would say A. Incorrectly placed. I hope this helps!

Instead the sentence should say "The movie, which is about a talking cat, is a good choice for families.