A web page without a bibliography, or sources, is an indicator of an unreliable site. Please select the best answer from the choices provideda. True
b. False


Answer 1


True indeed


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int count = 0;  //int variables

int longest =0;  // int variables

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); // given input is reference variable

String str= new String();  // creating object of sting class

while (input.hasNext()) // taking the input by using scanner reference


str= input.next();  // taking input in string

if (str.length() == longest) // checking condition

++count;  // increment the count


if (Str.length() > longest) // if string is greater then longest


longest = str.length(); // calculating length

count = 1;  // assign count to 1




Following are the description of the code :

  • Declared a two variable count and longest of  int type.
  • Create a object of String class i.e 'str".
  • Taking input in the string by using scanner reference i.e "input".
  • Finally checking the condition of if and else block and calculating the length of string and assign into longest variable.

The code that examines all the strings in the input source and determines how long the longest string (or strings are) is the following:

total = 0;% initial value is zero, in every while loop it will be incremented


total += input.nextInt( );


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b. the selected picture will appear
c. the picture toolbar will appear


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. If Sam goes to the View menu, clicks Toolbars, and then clicks Picture, then the picture toolbar will appear. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day. Feel free to ask more questions.


C. the picture toolbar will appear


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Of the following statements are applicable to an actor in a use case diagram? Select all the statements which are true. a) An actor represents a user or another system interacting with the system being modeled. b) An actor must be a physical person. c) An actor can initiate and participate in use cases. d) An actor cannot be part of more than one use case.



a) An actor represents a user or another system interacting with the system being modeled.

c) An actor can initiate and participate in use cases.


- Statement A is true because an actor is an entity that performs a role in a particular system. This entity can be a human user, hardware, or another system.

- Statement B is false because an actor does not necessarily have to be a physical person. As mentioned above, it can be a system, a piece of hardware, or even another software system.

- Statement C is true because actors in a use case are the ones who initiate the use case and participate in it.

- Statement D is false because an actor can be part of multiple use cases. It's quite common in systems where a single actor (like a user or another system) interacts with multiple parts of the system.

Hope this helps! :)

If your computer requires that you install memory in pairs, it doesn't matter if the two memory modules are the same type, size, or speed.True / False.





If your computer requires that you install memory in pairs you should always keep in mind that

1. Both are the same type(DDR4+DDR4, DDR3+DDR3, DDR2+DDR2...)

2. Both are the same size (2GB+2GB, 4GB+4GB, 8GB+8GB...)

3. Both are the same speed (800MHz+800MHz, 1666MHz+1666MHz, 3200MHz+3200MHz...)

This is important, because of the predefined slots that are located on the Motherboard.

Although you can change the RAM speed from the BIOS you can not change the predefined slot values