__________ unemployment refers to loss of jobs due to a recession or a similar downturn in the economy.


Answer 1


Cyclical unemployment is the loss of jobs due to a recession or downturn in an economy.


Cyclical unemployment is a type of unemployment. It is also known as Keynesian or deficient-demand unemployment. This type of unemployment occurs when the overall demand in an economy is not enough to provide jobs to the people who want to work. Cyclical unemployment is observed during the periods of slow economic growth or recession.

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Which of the following best predicts the effect that the change in rainfall patterns will have on northern Australia's ecosystems?


Species that are adapted to a wetter climate will expand their ranges into northern Australia, disrupting ecosystem structures.

Final answer:

Changes in rainfall patterns can significantly impact northern Australia's ecosystems, affecting biodiversity, species distribution, and overall ecosystem health. Increased rainfall could lead to more diversity, while decreased rainfall could cause drought and a decrease in biodiversity. Environmental changes may cause species to migrate or die out, and overall ecosystem stability could be disrupted.


The effects of changing rainfall patterns on northern Australia's ecosystems may vary, but they will generally revolve around the themes of biodiversity, species distribution, and overall ecosystem health. Rainfall is a key component of these ecosystems, so shifts in patterns can directly impact the survival of various species.

Increased rainfall might lead to more lush and diverse vegetation which would support larger populations of herbivores, thus increasing biodiversity. Equally, decreased rainfall might result in drought, leading to a reduction in the number of plant and animal species due to harsher living conditions, meaning a decrease in biodiversity.

Species distribution might also be affected, as some animals and plants may migrate or die respectively due to changes in their environment. For instance, certain species might move to look for water sources during periods of droughts.

Overall ecosystem health may be compromised as well. Changes in rainfall may disrupt the balance of ecosystems, possibly leading to domination by certain species and reduction in others.

While this is a complex issue with multiple influencing factors, an understand that rainfall changes can severely impact the functioning and stability of ecosystems is crucial.

Learn more about Rainfall impact on ecosystems here:



High unemployment especially unemployment as the result of layoffs, CAN BE DEVASTATING FOR INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS.ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ARE EFFECTS OF HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT EXCEPTA. social and political unrest among the unemployed and minority groups

b.labor, land, and capital will be left idle

c.a loose money supply policy

d.potential wealth will be wasted


A loose money supply policy broseidon.

The _______ model of informed consent permits the company to collect personal information until the customer specifically requests that the data not be collected.



Opt out


Conventionally, CONSENT is when one person or individual(s) voluntarily agrees to the proposal of another person or individual(s).

There are four types of Consent, namely;

(1). Implied consent: this is a type of consent inferred from someone's actions.

(2). Informed consent: this is a consent given by an individual who has understanding of the consequences of an action.

(3). Unanimous consent: consent given by a group of people.

(4). Expressed consent.

The OPT OUT model is an example of INFORMED CONSENT.

"The OPT OUT model of informed consent permits the company to collect personal information until the customer specifically requests that the data not be collected."




Under certain circumstances, an opt-out policy model allows consumers to know that they have the opportunity and right to opt out of elements of your app or website, as well as a clear and easy-to-follow opt-out method, is required by law.

Many organizations choose to include in their privacy policy agreements the opt-out clause required.

Costs that fluctuate based on production levels achieved are called ________ costs


The answer is variable. A variable cost refers to the corporate expense that varies with the output of the production. It depends on the company’s production volume; the cost rise if the production increases and fall if the production decreases.

According to David Taylor of the Bank Administration Institute, about _____ percent of households with annual incomes over $50,000 have PCs equipped with modems.


The answer is : about 40 Percent of the households

He argued that households with an annual income less than $50,000 dollars prefer to spend their disposable income on things like daily necessities or their child's college fund

A typical lease may require a tenant to


abide state rules relevant to lease terms on security deposit, rent, notice of entry, and occupancy standards.

The written or verbal agreement may yield beneficial to both parties.They may meet to one's convenience and satisfaction and follow according to the state rules. Following in an agreement but is not accorded to a standard rules could have a possibility of misunderstanding and other forms of complaint.
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