You're a member of the Republican Party. You go to vote for the party nominee for president. On your ballot are candidates for both the Democratic and Republican nominations. You're most likely in what kind of election? A. open primary
B. Closed primary
c. Party convention
d. caucus


Answer 1
Answer: Open Primary is the answer
Answer 2
Answer: Open Primary is the answer

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In 1781, George Washington forced the surrender of lord Cornwallis at?


This from my class !!!When General Rochambeau met General Washington in Wethersfield, Connecticut on 22 May 1781 to determine their strategy against the British, they made plans to move against New York City, which was occupied by about 10,000 men under General Sir Henry Clinton, the overall British commander. 

Meanwhile, word had come from General Lafayette in Virginia that Cornwallis had taken up a defensive position at Yorktown, Virginia, next to the York River. Cornwallis had been campaigning in the southern colonies and had cut a wide swath, but his 7,000 troops were now tired and in need of supplies. Cornwallis moved the army to Yorktown in order to link up with the British Royal Navy. 

On 14 August 1781, Washington received news that French Admiral de Grasse, stationed in the West Indies, was sailing with his fleet to the Chesapeake Bay. The New York campaign was quickly abandoned. If they moved quickly, the Americans and French might be able to trap Cornwallis's army at Yorktown. 

Washington started to march towards New York City with his force of 9,000. They stationed approximately 2,500 men at the American forts near the city under Major General William Heath to fool the British into believing that Washington's entire force was still there. 

Rear Admiral de Grasse sailed his French battle fleet of twenty-eight ships north toward Virginia. Simultaneously, on August 21, 1781, Washington began moving his army south. As they marched south, Admiral de Grasse's fleet arrived at the Chesapeake Bay, causing the normally reserved Washington to leap into the air and toss his hat. De Grasse had defeated Admiral Thomas Graves' fleet in the Battle of the Chesapeake and won control of the river. Cornwallis was now stranded. 

On September 28, 1781, Washington and Rochambeau, along with Lafayette's troops and 3,000 of de Grasse's men, arrived at Yorktown. In all, there were approximately 17,000 men converging on Cornwallis's camp. The city was soon surrounded and under heavy fire. 

On October 14, the Franco-American forces captured two major British redoubts at bayonet-point. After a futile counterattack, Cornwallis offered to surrender on October 17. On the 19th of October, the papers were signed and he officially surrendered. About 8,000 British troops became prisoners. 

The British prisoners amounted to about a fourth of all redcoats in the American colonies. It was not clear at the time that Yorktown was the climax of the war, since the British still occupied key ports such as New York City and Charleston, South Carolina. Sporadic fighting continued after the Yorktown surrender, and Washington believed the war might drag on for another year. 

However, British Prime Minister Lord North resigned after receiving news of the surrender at Yorktown. His successors decided that it was no longer in Britain's best interest to continue the war, and negotiations were undertaken. The British signed the Treaty of Paris (1783), recognizing the United States and promising to remove all her troops from the country.       

The interest rate at which a depository institution lends immediately available funds to another depository institution overnight is called the


The federal funds rate

identifying the reasons that agricultural output from the Great Plains increased during the late 1800s


Electric machinery and automation increased agricultural output in the late 1800s.

The pamphlet Common Sense, by Thomas Paine, aided the American cause in the Revolutionary War because it


It convinced many of the American colonists to want break away from Great Britain.

Both state and federal government have the power to


Both state and federal government share some common power such as

I) collecting taxes

II) building roads  

III) borrow Money

IV) establishment of courts

V) enforce and make law  

VI) establish carter banks and corporations  

VII) spend money for general welfare

VIII) take private property for public purpose, with just compensation

IX) frame laws necessary to execute powers.

Further Explanations:

Concurrent power in Federal structure government is shared both by state and Federal government. They may be used within the same province, on same body and in the same matter Concurrent power are differentiated with reserved power and Exclusive Federal power. Federal law is considered to be supreme and it may take possession to State law in case of any conflict. Influence of Federal government increased after civil war so as to regulate trade and industries that have stretched across the state borders. To secure the civil rights and implement the social services Federal government came into existence. It power were limited until its acceptance by Supreme Court through Sherman Anti-Trust Act  

United Nation was the first to form a modern national constitutional republic based on federalism principles, where power was shared between State government and Federal government. Numerous powers were granted by constitution to congress including power to:

i. Impose and collect taxes

ii. coin capital and regulate its value

iii. provide punishment for forge

iv. promote progress of social science by providing patents  

v. create federal courts which are below Supreme court

vi. fighting piracies and trespass

vii. declare war

viii. hold up armies

ix. maintenance of armies

Learn More:

1. Which term defines a power shared by state and federal governments?

2. Where are the implied powers of congress found?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter: Federalism  

Keywords: federal system,Concurrent power,reserved power,exclusive federal power,Federal law,civil rights, Sherman Anti Trust Act,United Nation,Federal government, State government,


Both state and federal government have the power to collect taxes, borrow money, spending money, make and enforce laws, build roads, etc.|

Further Explanation

  • Federal system of government is a system of a government where the sovereign power is shared between the state government and the central government with central government having more power.
  • The powers of the central government may be similar or differ as provided by the constitution.

Powers in the federal state government  

Concurrent powers  

  • They are powers that are shared by both central government and the state government.
  • They include:
  1. Collecting taxes
  2. Borrowing money
  3. Making and enforcing laws  
  4. Hold elections  
  5. Setting up courts  
  6. Spend money for the benefit of its citizens, etc.

Enumerated powers  

  • They are also called expressed or delegated power, they are specifically delegated by the constitution. These are powers that only belongs to the central government.
  • They include; treaty making, foreign trade and interstate control among others.

Reserved powers  

  • These are powers that only belong to the state governments. These powers are reserved to the states and allows the states to legislate and control to protect the safety, health and morals of its people.
  • Examples of reserved powers are, zoning laws, state criminal laws, and environmental protection among others.  

Prohibited powers  

  • These are powers that are denied to the national or state governments or both.
  • For instance, the central government cannot exercise its power that would interfere with the ability of the state governments to undertake their duties.

Key words: Federal government, powers, shared powers.  

Learn more about:  

Level: High school  

Subject: History  

Topic: Government  

Sub-topic: federal government  

President Nixon began a policy of measured troop withdrawals from Vietnam. What was this policy called? de-escalation /detente/ incursion /normalization/ Vietnamization


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "de-escalation" President Nixon began a policy of measured troop withdrawals from Vietnam. this policy is called the de-escalation




  It was a policy carried out by the Nixon administration to end the involvement of the U.S. troops in the Vietnam War. The plan consisted in train South Vietnamese forces and gave them a big role in the combats.

  I hope this answer helps you.