What are the causes and effects of the arms race


Answer 1
Answer: An arms race denotes a rapid increase in the quantity or quality of instruments of military power by rival states in peacetime. The first modern arms race took place when France and Russia challenged the naval superiority of Britain in the late nineteenth century. Germany’s attempt to surpass Britain’s fleet spilled over into World War I, while tensions after the war between the United States, Britain and Japan resulted in the first major arms-limitation treaty at the Washington Conference. The buildup of arms was also a characteristic of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, though the development of nuclear weapons changed the stakes for the par.

Hope this helps.

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The correct answer is: political instability, military conflict, and economic crisis.

Political instability: at the end of the 4th century AD, the Roman empire was going through a political crisis. While the emperor Theodosius tried to handle the social uprisings between Christians and non-Christians, he was struggling against the usurper Magnus Maximus and the empire was facing cases of corruption in the political sphere that diverted public funds from the military needs. Due to these reasons and for administrative purposes, Theodosius decided to establish Christianity as the official religion of the empire and divided the empire into two parts: the Western Roman Empire, with its capital in Ravenna, and the Eastern Roman Empire, with its capital in Constantinople.

Military conflict: while the Roman Empire was facing these internal problems that weakened it, there were urgent problems in its borders since many barbarian invaders were attacking Roman positions from the outside. The Huns from the East, led by Attila, devastated a great portion of the empire, Saxons invaded Britain, Goths and Lombard people from the North as well invaded Italy and Hispania. The Roman army for the first time was not in the position of facing so many fronts at the same time.

Economic crisis: the enormous Roman administrative device was going through a financial crisis. It was so big that it did not find the necessary resources to satisfy its needs. Gold mines that used to fuel the economy were very far away, difficult to achieve, and the Empire had to make a large number of official coins out of copper provoking a great devaluation of the Roman currency.

Final answer:

The decline of the Roman Empire was influenced by political instability, military conflict, and economic crisis.


The three major factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire were political instability, military conflict, and economic crisis.

  1. Political instability: The Roman Empire experienced a series of power struggles, corruption, and weak leadership, which led to internal conflicts and weakened the government.
  2. Military conflict: The Roman Empire faced external threats from barbarian invasions as well as internal conflicts between rival factions within the military.
  3. Economic crisis: The empire struggled with inflation, debasement of currency, and a declining agricultural economy, which led to financial instability and social unrest.

Learn more about Decline of the Roman Empire here:



Which statement about the fall of Rome and its effect on culture and civilization in Western Europe is correct?a. The barbarian tribes adopted Latin as their common language.
b. Law enforcement disappeared and crime increased.
c. The majority of the population became literate thanks to public schools.
d. Without Roman taxes, cities flourished and opened new markets.


"b. Law enforcement disappeared and crime increased" is the best option from the list since lawlessness was a major issue, but it should be noted that this was not the case absolutely everywhere. 


The answer is B. Law enforcement disappeared and crime increased.


I took the the test and this was the correct answer.

What was the term used by Churchill in reference to the Soviet Union's rule over Eastern European nations? A the Marshall Plan B Iron Curtain C the Warsaw Pact D NATO


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Let's review the four answer options we have about the term used by Churchill in reference to the Soviet Union's rule over the Eastern European nations.

A. The Marshall Plan

B. The Iron Curtain

C. The Warsaw Pact

D. Nato

Answer A is incorrect. The Marshall Plan was a plan from the U.S. to help Europe recover from WWII.

Answer B is correct. The Iron Curtain was an unofficial boundary between the Communist Eastern and Non-Communist Western European countries. It was not an official term so it makes sense that it would be something touted by Churchill.

Answer C is incorrect because the Warsaw Pact was an alliance between Eastern European countries, and the name of the pact wouldn't be a specific term Churchill uses because everyone would due to it being official.

Answer D is wrong because NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which is an alliance between North American and European countries.

Therefore, the answer is B. Iron Curtain.

Have a wonderful day! :D




In what way did Kwame Nkrumah's early political beliefs not match the policies he put in place once in power in Ghana?A. Nkrumah argued that the strongest future for Africa was to unite, but his policies purposely drove great divisions between most African countries.
B. Nkrumah insisted that Africa was a very wealthy continent, but his policies did nothing to bring wealth to the people of Africa.
C. Nkrumah called for political freedom in Ghana, but once in power he put in place a one-party system with himself as a permanent leader.
D. Nkrumah protested the use of state violence to control political speech, but in 1966 he led a coup to overthrow the elected president of Ghana.


Nkrumah called for political freedom in Ghana, but once in power he put in place a one party system with himself as a permanent leader and this is the way that Kwame Nkrumah's early political beliefs not match the policies he put in place once in power in Ghana. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is option "C".

FOR APEX. Nkrumah called for political freedom in Ghana, but once in power he put in place a one-party system with himself as a permanent leader.