Clicking the ____ deletes all letters in a box.


Answer 1
Answer: Clicking Ctrl+a and backspace deletes all letters.

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The six steps of the selection process as illustrated in chapter 12 is Strategic Human Resource Management. This is the process by which managers design the components of a human resources system to be consistent with each other, with other elements of organizational structure and with the organization’s strategy and goals. The objective is the development to enhance the organization’s efficiency and quality.

Recruitment and selection is a developing pool of qualified applicants. This is used to determine the qualifications of an applicant and his or her potential for a job.

Training and Development is the ongoing basics, an employee’s abilities and skills as necessitated by changes in technology and the competitive environment.

I hope this helps, Regards.

What is a database,file,record,field and data?


Data Base: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.

File: a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. (this is for the computer and not like paper)

a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form. (so like a past item)

the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media.

Give a recursive algorithm for finding the sum of the
first n odd positive integers.


I'm writing that in some sort of pseudocode; if you don't understand it, feel free to ask for more details in the comments.

function sumOdd(n)
    if n==1 then
        return 1
    end if
    return (sumOdd(n-1))+(n*2-1)
end function

HELP ME RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!In 3–5 sentences, describe how technology helps business professionals to be more efficient.


Technology has helped tremendously business professionals to be more efficient.

2. Business professionals work on the basis of information . Management information is available at the click of the mouse.

3. Communication, within and outside the organisation, has become very easy.

4. Controls on Accounts has become more efficient and less tedious.

5. Work drudgery has been given a go by. Technology has given more free time which can be used for thinking and planning.  

which country is the leader in solar powered technology? I've been searching for the answer to this and haven't had a simple answer yet


Germany is the leader in solar power technology.

Answer: The Country that is the leader in solar powered technology would be China. Hope this helped! ^w^

What command would you use to display a FirstName and LastName from the Users table?





Final answer:

To display the FirstName and LastName from the Users table, use the SQL command: SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Users.


If you want to display the FirstName and LastName from the Users table, you would typically use a SELECT command in SQL (Structured Query Language). The specific command would look like this:

SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Users;

This command tells the database to retrieve and display the FirstName and LastName from each record in the Users table.

Learn more about SQL SELECT command here:
