What need led to John Deere's 1837 invention?
What need led to John Deere's 1837 invention? - 1


Answer 1


The correct answer is the use of a new type of plow for the tough soil in the Midwest.


John Deere was an american blacksmith and inventor during the nineteenth century who was famously known for inventing successfully the first commercial steel plow and later founded Deere & Company, one of the largest agricultural equipment manufacturers around the world.

Deere was born in Vermont but eventually moved to Illinois, there he acceded the labour market easily as a blacksmith and later in 1837 manufactured the cast-steel plow which was the ideal agricultural equipment for the tough soil in the Midwest and worked definitely better than the other plows. After a time, he began to sell his invention to the local farmers and made easy to work in the land that was previously known for imposible to work with.

Answer 2
Answer: Basically John Deere invented the steel plow for cropping soil and seeds 

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