What types of activities would you incorporate into your marathon training and why


Answer 1

Marathon’s consist of running/jogging/sprinting long distances, so first off it would be a good idea to increase stamina, which would be done by jogging everyday, increasing your distance everyday. Stretch your calf muscles upper leg muscles to avoid cramps while running too.

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Multiple Ways


Depends if problem is mental or physical based but could use some of the following:

- Talk to peers, teachers, family, friends or doctor

- See a school counsellor

- There are many online services you can reach out too

- Make a plan to help you cope

- Meditation

- Most important is to not suffer alone, there is always someone close by to help.

I hope you are okay x


Multiple Ways


Depends if problem is mental or physical based but could use some of the following:

- Talk to peers, teachers, family, friends or doctor

- See a school counselor

- There are many online services you can reach out too

- Make a plan to help you cope

- Meditation

- Most important is to not suffer alone, there is always someone close by to help.

Which system is responsible for protecting the body and fighting off germs


The immune system, I'm pretty sure.
the immune system is responsible for protecting the body and fighting off germs

I need help pls pls help me



1. A situation in which "fight or flight" may take over is being mugged.

2. The people involved would be the person being mugged and the mugger.

3. The person could be coming to a new country or area and not be as street-smart as normal.

4. They would be going into fight or flight because mugging is a stressful situation and has two people pitted against eachother.

3 observations on pandemic



1. statistics: how many people have the disease or how many people have died.

2. what age group is affected more, or if anyone is immune.

3. ways to help stop the spread of disease.

4. things can can serve as the cure.

1) The mortality rate.

2) Increase in different mutations.

3) Worldwide panic and how it's affecting day to day life.

Which of the following is a reason that a drug may not receive FDA approval?


Well I cannot actually see any reasons,so I might as well just give my own.A drug might not recieve FDA approval because they need to find the good chemicals and the bad chemicals in the drug.If they find any bad chemicals in the drug,they will not approve it.Hope this helps!!!!
If they have any evidence demonstrating that these unapproved drugs are safe

A person who has red-rimmed eyes and a runny nose but does not sufferfrom allergies or have a cold shows a warning sign of drug abuse.
A. True
B. False


True they would should signs of drug abuse
True they would because eyes red means u being doing drugs or drinking and that is a warining sign of drug abuse