Speed in a given direction is called what?


Answer 1

Speed in a given direction is called velocity. Velocity describes the speed and direction of an object's motion.

The speed and direction of an object's motion are described by velocity, a fundamental notion in physics. It is a vector quantity, which means it contains magnitude as well as direction. While speed just refers to how quickly an object moves, velocity includes the concept of direction, providing a more full description of the object's motion.

One key feature of velocity is that it can alter depending on whether the speed or direction of motion changes. The velocity of an object, for example, remains constant if it moves in a straight line at a constant speed. However, if the object's speed or direction changes, the velocity changes as well.

To know more about velocity, here:



Answer 2
Answer: Speed is a scalar measure, and only has magnitude 
If you add a direction to it you are making it a vector.

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Final answer:

When equal forces from opposite directions act on an object, they are said to be balanced. Such a state doesn't change the motion of the object, which aligns with Newton's First Law of Motion or The Law of Inertia.


Balanced forces occur when the total force applied to an object from one direction equates to the total force applying from the opposite direction. Hence, the object will remain still or continue moving at a constant speed in a straight line. It's important to note that under balanced forces, the motion state of the object doesn't change, also known as Newton's First Law of Motion or The Law of Inertia.

Learn more about Balanced Forces here:



Please help meeeee!!!!!!!There is a big push right now in trying to rely on nonrenewable resources for the majority of our energy needs. Should we even try to power the world with 100% renewable resources? Justify your reasoning


Answer: Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes.

Most non-renewable energy sources are fossil fuels: coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Carbon is the main element in fossil fuels. For this reason, the time period that fossil fuels formed (about 360-300 million years ago) is called the Carboniferous Period.

All fossil fuels formed in a similar way. Hundreds of millions of years ago, even before the dinosaurs, Earth had a different landscape. It was covered with wide, shallow seas and swampy forests.

Plants, algae, and plankton grew in these ancient wetlands. They absorbed sunlight and created energy through photosynthesis. When they died, the organisms drifted to the bottom of the sea or lake. There was energy stored in the plants and animals when they died.

Over time, the dead plants were crushed under the seabed. Rocks and other sediment piled on top of them, creating high heat and pressure underground. In this environment, the plant and animal remains eventually turned into fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum). Today, there are huge underground pockets (called reservoirs) of these non-renewable sources of energy all over the world.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Fossil fuels are a valuable source of energy. They are relatively inexpensive to extract. They can also be stored, piped, or shipped anywhere in the world.

However, burning fossil fuels is harmful for the environment. When coal and oil are burned, they release particles that can pollute the air, water, and land. Some of these particles are caught and set aside, but many of them are released into the air.

Burning fossil fuels also upsets Earth’s “carbon budget,” which balances the carbon in the ocean, earth, and air. When fossil fuels are combusted (heated), they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a gas that keeps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, a process called the “greenhouse effect.” The greenhouse effect is necessary to life on Earth, but relies on a balanced carbon budget.

The carbon in fossil fuels has been sequestered, or stored, underground for millions of years. By removing this sequestered carbon from the earth and releasing it into the atmosphere, Earth’s carbon budget is out of balance. This contributes to temperatures rising faster than organisms can adapt.

How does the chemical structure of a paper towel differ from the potatoes?


When you pass around the side dishes at this year's Thanksgiving feast, here's one thing to be thankful for: you're eating mashed potatoes instead of mashed paper towels. But if you were chewing on the towels instead of the spuds, would you even know it.
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Indicate whether each of the following substances would be more soluble in H2O or C6H14:(a) KI

(b) C8H18

(c) grease

(d) CH3(CH2)12OH

(e) NaC2H3O2



H2O-a,e, C6H14 - b,c,d


H2O - (a) KI, e(NaC2H3O2) because they are ionic compounds

C6H14 -(b) C8H18, (c) grease, (d) CH3(CH2)12OH because they are mostly un-polar.

Final answer:

KI and NaC2H3O2 are ionic and therefore more soluble in polar solvents like H2O, while C8H18, grease, and CH3(CH2)12OH are nonpolar and more soluble in nonpolar solvents like C6H14.


The solubility of a substance generally follows the principle of 'like dissolves like'. That means polar substances are more soluble in polar solvents (like H2O) and nonpolar substances are more soluble in nonpolar solvents (like C6H14).

  1. KI is ionic, therefore it is polar and more soluble in H2O.
  2. C8H18 is nonpolar, hence more soluble in C6H14.
  3. Grease is nonpolar, so it is more soluble in C6H14.
  4. CH3(CH2)12OH is nonpolar due to the long hydrocarbon chain, making it more soluble in C6H14, despite the polar OH group at the end.
  5. NaC2H3O2 is ionic, hence it is polar and more soluble in H2O.

Learn more about Solubility here:

