What Alliterations are used in these two stanzas of The Blake Snake by Mary Oliver.Now he lies looped and useless
as an old bicycle tire.
I stop the car
and carry him into the bushes.


Answer 1
Answer: it means to guide lead or rule
Answer 2
Answer: Alliteration are series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound. For example, “She sells sea-shells down by the sea-shore” or “Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers”.

So, in this case, the alliteration I found is "Now he lies looped and useless". I'm not sure but I don't think there are any others.

Good luck!

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B.During a relatively brief period of time, the fast food industry has helped to transform not only the American diet, but also our landscape, economy, workforce, and popular culture.
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The remark from the Introduction to Fast Food Nation that best supports Schlosser's claim is The fast-food sector has helped to revolutionize not only the American diet.

But also our landscape, economics, workforce, and popular culture in a remarkably short period of time.

Thus, option B is correct.

What purpose did the Fast Food Nation serve?

Fast Food Nation is a comedy-drama film directed by Richard Linklater and written by Linklater and Eric Schlosser that was released in 2006.

The film, a US-UK international co-production, is partially based on Schlosser's bestselling non-fiction book Fast Food Nation, which was published in 2001.

Fast Food Nation illustrates how the fast food industry has lowered global food quality, harmed public health, and produced bad working conditions for millions of people.

For more information about Fast Food Nation refer to the link:



Definitely B. It does affect workforce quite a bit; you no longer have to wake up an hour early to make breakfast.

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i got 100./.




In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the document officially declaring the United States an independent nation, no longer under British control. It is known as: The Declaration of Independence
The Magna Carta
The Proclamation of Rebellion
Common Sense


The Decleration of Independence


The Declaration of Independence

Although Common Sense would've been funnier :)