The __________ system is made of a series of glands that release chemicals directly into the bloodstream.


Answer 1
Answer: The endocrine system is made of a series of glands that release chemicals directly into the bloodstream. 

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Gay-Lussac’s law


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9.Each lichen is made up of a fungus (usually an ascomycete) and an alga (green or blue-green). 14.It is a member of the group of diseases known as tinea. 7.Most fungi prefer moist locations, but again there are exceptions, such as the fungi that grow on dried grains. 10.A sac, typically cylindrical in shape, in which the spores of ascomycete fungi develop. 11.A microscopic, club-shaped spore-bearing structure produced by certain fungi. 12.(in ferns and lower plants) a receptacle in which asexual spores are formed. 13.Yeast cells thrive on simple sugars. As the sugars are metabolized, carbon dioxide and alcohol are released into the bread dough, making it rise. 8.Never pick and eat wild mushrooms unless they've been identified by an expert! ... Cooking doesn't make a poisonous mushroom safe. In fact, you can be poisoned by breathing in the cooking fumes from some poisonous mushrooms. Even non-poisonous mushrooms can cause unpleasant reactions in people who are sensitive to them. 6.Saprophytes play an important role in soil biology. They break down dead and decaying organic matter into simple substances that can be taken up and recycled by plants. ... Saprophytic fungi use enzymes to decompose biologic material. Parasitic fungi destroy bacteria and other pathogens.

Polished metals have a metallic luster, which means that?


Metallic luster refers to the way light casts off of a mineral. Polished metals such as gold have a metallic luster, which makes them look bright and shiny, and reflect more light than other minerals. There are also minerals that have metallic luster, but are not shiny or reflect much light, which is called dull metallic luster. 

Metallic luster - bright, shiny
Dull metallic luster - not shiny

How do some deep-water bacteria in the ocean make food?



They make food by using chemosynthesis.


Final answer:

Deep-water bacteria, known as chemoautotrophs, make their own food through a process called chemosynthesis, using chemicals like hydrogen sulfide from hydrothermal vents instead of sunlight.


Some deep-water bacteria in the ocean are known as chemoautotrophs, which can produce their own food by using chemical energy from hydrothermal vents. Unlike plants, they do not use sunlight for photosynthesis. Instead, they rely on chemosynthesis for their energy supply. In this process, bacteria convert chemicals from the vents into usable energy or food. For example, some bacteria use hydrogen sulfide, a chemical abundant in the deep ocean, for chemosynthesis. This biological process allows these deep-water bacteria to thrive in environments where sunlight is not available.

Learn more about Chemosynthesis here: