When an electric heating element is connected to a 110 V circuit and a current of 3.2 A is flowing through the element. how much energy is used up during a period of 5 hours by the element A. With a speed of 300,000,000 m/s
B. Through a relatively short distance .
C. Back and forth between the ends of the conductor
D. From one end of the conductor to the other end


Answer 1
Answer: D) From one of the conductor to the other end

The power being used momentarily is 110V x 3.2A = 352W

During a period of 5 hours:  352W * 5h = 1760 Wh = 6336kJ

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_____ algorithms are rules that, if followed, always yield a solution A. True. B. False.




The question asks whether _____ algorithms are rules that, if followed, always yield a solution A. The options are True or False.

To answer this question, we need to understand what is meant by "_____ algorithms." Unfortunately, the question does not provide any specific information about the type of algorithms being referred to. Without this information, it is impossible to determine whether the statement is true or false.

Algorithms are step-by-step procedures or rules that are followed to solve a particular problem or complete a task. They can be found in various fields such as mathematics, computer science, and everyday life. The effectiveness of an algorithm depends on its design and implementation.

In order to provide an accurate answer, it is important to have a clear understanding of the type of algorithms being discussed. Without this information, we cannot determine whether the statement is true or false.

If you have any additional information or specific algorithms in mind, please provide them so that I can assist you further.

how many bits must be flipped (i.e. changed from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) in order to capitalize a lowercase 'a' that’s represented in ascii?


lowercase a is decimal 97 ; upper case is decimal 65

It's easier to think of them in octal, however: a = octal 141, and A is octal 101

octal to binary is easy, each digit is three bits. 
141 = 001 100 001 
101 = 001 000 001

So, how many bits are changed above? 

To quit Word, click the Restore button on the right side of the title bar.


you save your work, then press X to exit.

The term firmware refers to programs embedded into hardware devices. This software only changes when a firmware upgrade is performed.A. TrueB. False





Firmware are software programs embedded in hardware devices such as hard drives and BIOS, that allow these hardware devices to run properly. With the help of firmware, user programs can run on devices. Firmware programs hardly change throughout their lifetime except and upgrade is performed on them. Firmware are usually upgraded to fix bugs and maybe to add new features to them.

Examples of firmware are;

(i) programs written for a printer

(ii) software controlling the time in a washing machine.

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b. Friendster
c. MySpace
d. Twitter


A. facebook. it has a seperate texting app called facebook messenger .


