Which of the following describes an effect of the allotment system


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question above is "American Indians lost their lands." The statement that says "American Indians lost their lands" well describes the effect of the allotment system. Allotment system refers to a system in which money and agricultural matters are divided into small portions.
Answer 2


Explanation: I have to write 20 charicters

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 They opposed modernism which opposed science and education was less important than the farm Hope this helps :)
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B. an extractive economy.


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An economy that is based on mining or producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries is called an extractive economy. The correct answer is B.


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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "being an alchemist." The set the ruler named Wu apart from the other rulers of the dynasty is that of being an alchemist.


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King Wu of Zhou (周武王) was the child of King Wen of the Zhou Kingdom (周文王). Quite a long while in the wake of King Wu prevailing to the position of authority, he vanquished the Shang Dynasty (商朝) and built up the Zhou Dynasty (周朝) (generally given as 1122– 221 B.C.).  

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One reason Spain sponsored the first voyage of Columbus to the west


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Which of these factors was not a reason for European colonists purchasing Africans for slave labor?A. The African slaves were farmers who knew how to cultivate crops and work the land.
B. The African slaves were cheaper for the Europeans because they were not indigenous to the Americas.
C. The African slaves were immune to many European diseases because of Africa's proximity to Europe.
D. The African slaves were not familiar with American terrain, so they could not escape the plantations.


The question is asking us the following: "Which of these factors was not a reason for European colonists purchasing Africans for slave labor? A. The African slaves were farmers who knew how to cultivate crops and work the land. - this is true. Many slaves did know how to cultivate the land and many were farmer before B. The African slaves were cheaper for the Europeans because they were not indigenous to the Americas.- The African slaves were cheaper, this is true, but they were not cheaper because they were not indigenous but because they were stolen in raids - this is the correct answer. C. The African slaves were immune to many European diseases because of Africa's proximity to Europe. - This is true. Unlike the Indigenous Americans, Africans were immute to the Illesses D. The African slaves were not familiar with American terrain, so they could not escape the plantations." - this is also true

Answer: The African slaves were used as overseers to force indigenous workers to complete there tasks
