Which statement best describes how the evolution of pesticide resistance occurs in a population of insects?A. Individual members of the population slowly adapt to the presence of the chemical by striving to meet the new challenge.
B. All insects exposed to the insecticide begin to use a formerly silent gene to make a new enzyme that breaks down the insecticide molecules.
C. Insects observe the behavior of other insects that survive pesticide application, and adjust their own behaviors to copy those of the survivors.
D. A number of genetically resistant pesticide survivors reproduce. The next generation of insects contains more genes from the survivors than it does from susceptible individuals.


Answer 1


D. A number of genetically resistant pesticide survivors reproduce. The next generation of insects contains more genes from the survivors than it does from susceptible individuals.


Insect populations already have some insects with pesticide resistance genes. Exposure of insects to pesticides results in the natural selection of these insects with pesticide resistance as they are able to survive and reproduce in the presence of pesticides whereas the other insects die. The resistant insects leave more progeny resulting in the evolution of insect population with increased frequency of pesticide resistance gene.

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