Which particle builds a static electric charge when it is transferred from one object to another? A.proton





Answer 1
Answer: c, because of its electrical charge

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you need to convert minutes to hours so 
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Why are some pots and pans designed with wooden handles?Wood is a conductor.

Wood has a high heat capacity.

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Answer: Wood is an insulator.

Explanation: Conductors are those substances which allow heat and electricity to pass through them.Example: Metals

Insulators are those substances which do not allow heat and electricity to pass through them. Example: wood

Pots and pans should be made of conducting material as the heat needs to be transferred from the burner to the pot and then to the food for cooking.

But the handles should be made from insulators so that they do not become hot and thus we can hold the utensil using the handles without getting burnt.

Wood doesn't get hot when it heats up, so number 3

a bullet of mass m is fired into a block of mass m that is at rest. the block, with the bullet embedded, slides distance d across a horizontal surface. the coefficient of kinetic friction is μk.


The expression for the bullet's speed vbullet is v=\sqrt{(2\mu_k (m+M)gd)/(m)} and  the speed of a 9.0 g bullet is v=16.8 m/s


A  bullet of mass m is fired into a block of mass m that is at rest. the block, with the bullet embedded, slides distance d across a horizontal surface. the coefficient of kinetic friction is μk.

The initial kinetic energy of the bullet is given by

K_i = (1)/(2)mv^2


m is the mass of the bullet  

v is the initial speed of the bullet

The expression for the bullet's speed vbullet is

F=\mu_k (m+M) g


\mu_k is the coefficient of kinetic friction

g is the acceleration of gravity

The work done by the force of friction is

W=-Fd = -\mu_k (m+M)g d

where d is the displacement of the block+bullet.

Because the final kinetic energy is zero (the bullet with the block comes at rest), we can write:

W=K_f - K_i = -K_i

And so

-\mu_k (m+M) g d = -(1)/(2)mv^2

By solving for v, the solution for the bullet speed:

-\mu_k (m+M) g d = -(1)/(2)mv^2\nv=\sqrt{(2\mu_k (m+M)gd)/(m)}

The speed of a 9.0 g bullet that, when fired into a 12 kg stationary wood block causes the block to slide 5.4 cm across a wood table. Assume that k=0.20.

We have:

the mass of the bullet, m = 9.0 g = 0.009 kg

the mass of the block, M = 12 kg

the distance covered by the block+bullet, d = 5.4 cm = 0.054 m

the coefficient of friction, \mu_k = 0.20

the acceleration of gravity, g = 9.8 m/s^2

By substituting, we got

v=\sqrt{(2 (0.20) (0.009 kg+12 kg)(9.8 m/s^2)(0.054 m))/(0.009 kg)}=16.8 m/s

Learn more about   friction brainly.com/question/5884009


uk=2m*the normal force
the distance d is needed only if you were asked about work

When creating any map, what four basic elements should you include?


You must include a key, title, date of publication, and scale.
Title,Scale,Date of Publication,North Arrow (Legend,Location Information,and Source of Information)

suppose that i suspect that running my ceiling fan stirs up dust and causes my table to become dusty. how could i use the method of concomitant variations to confirm this?


The use the method of concomitant variations we need to identify the variables, establish a baseline, introduce variation and compare results.

To use the method of concomitant variations to confirm whether running your ceiling fan stirs up dust and causes your table to become dusty, follow these steps:

1. Identify the variables: In this case, the independent variable is the operation of the ceiling fan (on or off), and the dependent variable is the dust accumulation on your table.

2. Establish a baseline: Observe the dust accumulation on your table when the ceiling fan is off for a specific period, let's say 24 hours. Document the amount of dust on the table.

3. Introduce variation: Turn on the ceiling fan and observe the dust accumulation on your table for the same period (24 hours). Document the amount of dust on the table.

4. Compare results: Compare the dust levels on your table when the ceiling fan was off versus when it was on. If there is a concomitant (simultaneous) increase in dust accumulation when the fan is on, this suggests a relationship between the operation of the ceiling fan and the dust on your table.

5. Repeat the process: To strengthen your evidence, perform the same experiment multiple times, alternating between turning the fan on and off. If the pattern of increased dust accumulation consistently occurs when the fan is on, this further supports the hypothesis that the ceiling fan stirs up dust and causes your table to become dusty.

To learn more about Concomitant variations, visit:



Sound is a ____ wave. A large boulder falls from an underwater ledge and crashes on the floor of the ocean. A pod of dolphins is 800 meters away. Determine how long it takes for the sound of the crash to reach the dolphins. 0.5 sec 0.3 sec 2.3 sec 1.9 sec


sound waves are longitudal waves meaning they go back and forth