Which describes an example of ecological succession?A) A caterpillar developing into a butterfly.
B) A meadow replacing a pond in its flood plain.
C) A climate gradually changing over many eons and becoming colder.
D) The replacement of a native species of animal with an invasive species.


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D) The replacement of a native species of animal with an invasive species." The statement that describes an example of ecological succession is that The replacement of a native species of animal with an invasive species.
Answer 2


its b


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Match the following carbohydrate molecules with the class of molecule that they belong to: Molecules;(I) Glucose; (II) Starch; (III) Sucrose
Classes: A) Polysaccharides B) Disaccharides C) Monosaccharides


Carbohydrates are classified according to the number of saccharides they contain. Monosaccharide are called as such for containing only one saccharide like glucose. Disaccharides for containing two saccharide units for instance sucrose which is formed from two glucose molecules. Laslty, polysaccharides for carbohydrates containing more than two saccharide units an example is starch. Thus, the answer is D.

Find the amount of work done in emptying a cylindrical tank completely filled with kerosene. Assume that the radius of the cylindrical tank is 3 m, height is 6 m, and the density of kerosene is 817.15 kg/m3


The formula for the work done in emptying a tank is this:
W = ωyV

ω is the specific weight
y is the center of gravity
V is the volume of the liquid

The specific weight can be calculated using the formula
ω = ρg
ρ is the density
g is the acceleration due to gravity

Solving for ω
ω = 817.15 kg/m3 (9.81 m/s2)
ω = 8016.24 N/m3

The center of gravity of a completely filled cylindrical tank is just 1/2 of the height. So,
y = 3 cm

The volume of the kerosene is just the volume of tank. Using the formula for the volume of a cylinder
V = πr²h
V = π (3²) (6)
V = 54π m³

Therefore, the word done is
W = 8016.24 (6) (54π)
W = 8159538.47 J or
W = 8.16 MJ


4.08 x 10^6


The flu vaccine last a short time because the flu virus


The flu virus mutates is why the flu vaccine lasts a short time.

Answer:Normally because the flu virus doesn't last very long because your body is very used to the flu.

What is Gregor Mendel remembered for?



Gregor Mendel is remembered as the "father of modern genetics" for his pioneering work on pea plants in the 19th century. He conducted a series of experiments to study how traits are inherited from one generation to the next, and his discoveries laid the foundation for our understanding of genetics.

Mendel's most significant contribution was his formulation of the laws of inheritance, now known as Mendelian inheritance. He proposed that traits are passed down from parents to offspring in discrete units called "genes." Through his experiments, he identified dominant and recessive traits and showed how they can be inherited independently of each other.

One of Mendel's famous experiments involved crossbreeding pea plants with different characteristics, such as flower color or seed texture. By carefully observing the resulting offspring and analyzing the patterns of inheritance, Mendel was able to deduce the basic rules of heredity. He found that traits are determined by pairs of alleles, with one allele inherited from each parent.

Mendel's work was not initially recognized during his lifetime, but his findings were rediscovered and widely accepted in the early 20th century. Today, his laws of inheritance are fundamental to the field of genetics and are taught in biology classrooms around the world.

In summary, Gregor Mendel is remembered for his groundbreaking experiments with pea plants, which led to the discovery of the laws of inheritance and laid the foundation for modern genetics. His work revolutionized our understanding of how traits are passed down from one generation to the next

A membrane that allows only some materials to move in and out of the cell is


A membrane like that is called semi permeable, because only certain materials can pass through it.

Changing genes by taking in different genetic material


- Can change in the structure of chromosome affect in health and development . These changes can affect many genes along the chromosomes and disrupt the proteins made from those genes.

   _-_ hOpe that this really helpss youu well, and have a GREAT BRAINLY DAY .