Economic incentives are used in environmental policy to _______.a. encourage compliance
b. allow for flexibility
c. reduce government involvement
d. all of the above


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer to the question that is stated above is letter a.  encourage compliance
Economic incentives are used in environmental policy to  encourage compliance.

>Providing an economic incentives to encourage businesses to reduce pollution is NOT a major role of governments in managing the environment
Answer 2


The answer is a encourage compliance


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Comply with all requirements of the Antarctic Treaty system, and relevant national laws, and ensure that visitors are aware of requirements that are relevant to them.

Reconfirm arrangements to visit stations 24-72 hours before their arrival and ensure that visitors are aware of any conditions or restrictions established by the station.

Ensure that visitors are supervised by a sufficient number of guides who have adequate experience and training in Antarctic conditions and knowledge of the Antarctic Treaty system requirements.

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Jason is actively trying to remember his teammates' names, so he writes down the numbers from their jerseys and the position they play on the team, along with the first letter of their names. He is using the numbers as ---------cues to help his memory for the names of his teammates.


I believe the answer is Retrieval .

Final answer:

Jason is using jersey numbers, team positions, and initials as mnemonic cues, which are memory aids that assist in strengthening and retrieving information. The association between these cues and his teammates' names enhances his memory retrieval.


Jason is employing a memory strategy called mnemonic cues. In the realm of psychology, mnemonic cues are devices or strategies that significantly aid in the process of memory retention. As seen in Jason's case, he is using the jersey numbers, team positions, and initial letters of the names as mnemonic cues. The numerical and positional information forms a constructed association with the names, making it easier for him to recall his teammates' names later. This displays how mnemonic cues can streamline the remembrance process and bolster overall memory performance.

Learn more about Mnemonic Cues here:


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Populists continue to focus on blaming the banks, corrupt seed, machinery, and supply corporations that gouged them. Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. I hope the answer will help you. Feel free to ask more questions.

howard gains sexual gratification by rubbing against and fondling the body parts of nonconsenting adults. in the context of paraphilias, howard is most likely engaging in


Howard's behavior in the context of paraphilias, where he gains sexual gratification by rubbing against and fondling non-consenting adults. Based on this information, Howard is most likely engaging in frotteurism.

Frotteurism is a type of paraphilia, which refers to atypical or unusual sexual interests that involve intense sexual arousal and gratification from non-human objects, situations, or non-consenting individuals. In the case of Howard, his behavior of rubbing against and fondling the body parts of non-consenting adults fits the description of frotteurism.

Frotteurism involves touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person for sexual pleasure. Individuals who engage in this behavior may do so in crowded places, such as public transportation or crowded events, to avoid detection or resistance. This activity is considered a form of sexual assault as it violates the personal boundaries and consent of the individuals being touched.

In conclusion, based on the information provided, Howard is engaging in frotteurism, a type of paraphilia where sexual gratification is obtained through rubbing against and fondling non-consenting adults. This behavior is considered a violation of personal boundaries and can have severe consequences for both the person engaging in the behavior and the individuals being touched without consent.

To know more about paraphilias, visit


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You want them to fight for your ideals and beliefs. You give them a choice between imprisonment or services under your army.  This will test the loyalties of captured troops whether they will remain loyal or not.  In the end the choice is theirs.