Assume that Colombia gives up three motorcycles for each ton of coffee it produces, while Bolivia gives up seven motorcycles for each ton of coffee it produces. Colombia has a comparative advantage in _____ production and should specialize in


Answer 1




According to my research on macroeconomics, I can say that based on the information provided within the question Colombia has a comparative advantage in coffee production and should specialize in coffee production. This is because Colombia has a 3:1 ratio of motorcycles to coffee production while Bolivia has a 7:1, therefore Colombia is able to produce more tons of Coffee with a minimum amount of resources.

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.

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Answer: Displacement


What is meant by displacement in your memory ?

Displacement is a term that is used to explain the fact that we tend to forget the infromation stored in the short term memory due to the lack of availability.

In a short term memory as long as the new information is acquired the old information is then eliminated quickly or displaced.

Displacement also suggest that the information that has been stored for too long will be easily displaced

Under this theory it is discovered also that when people are give a list of words to recall in any order they are mostly likely to recall those that are at the top of the list , the recalling of items at the top of the list is referred to as primacy and those at the end is know as recency effect.

Primacy effect explains that we are able to recall the first words in the list because when we first receive them there are not competing with other words so it is easy to rehearse them repeatedly for several times and as a result they get transferred to our long term memory.

As the list get longer though there is a competition now between words which makes it hard to remember or to keep rehearsing those at the end of the list as the result they stay in the short term memory until they get displaced which explains the recency effect.

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Answer :It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off.


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If you have just one crop, what happens if you have drought? or too much rain? You might not have any crops then and you won't make enough money to support you family. 

Which of these statements distinguishes the Jewish Ten Commandments from the Vedas?A. The Vedas must be followed by all members of the Vedic religion, while the Ten Commandments apply only to Jewish leaders.
B. The Ten Commandments address nonreligious matters like mathematics, while the Vedas are purely religious documents.
C. The Vedas allow for the worship of many gods, while the Ten Commandments require followers to worship only one.
D. The Ten Commandments influenced later religions, while the Vedas are relevant only to followers of the Vedic religion.


Answer: Option C. The Vedas allow for the worship of many gods, while the Ten Commandments require followers to worship only one.

The First Commandment establish the existence of one only God.

Vedas are four texts on which the Vedic religion based. This was a politeist religion. This is, it permitted to have more than one god.