While watching a recent science fiction movie, one Klingon spaceship blows up a Droid spaceship with a laser gun. The Klingon crew watches out the port window and covers their ears to muffle the noise from the explosion. Scientifically, this scene is inaccurate becauseA) light can not reflect off objects in the vacuum of space.
B) they would not be able to see anything outside the window.
C) lasers can not be transmitted through the vacuum of space.
D) the sound of the explosion would not be transmitted back to their ship.


Answer 1
Answer: Scientifically this scene is inaccurate because the sound of the explosion would not be transmitted back to their ship. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the last option or option "D". As sound cannot travel through a vacuum, so it is not possible for the crew to hear the sound of explosion.
Answer 2


D. the sound of the explosion would not be transmitted back to their ship.


Sound is a type of mechanical wave so it needs a solid to move through. Since space is a vacuum, the Klingon crew would not be able to hear the explosion.

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A spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus would best represent


The s, p, d, and f orbitals are the areas where electrons will be most likely found. These letters give us an idea of the shapes of these formed by the electron clouds. Going by this, a spherical electron cloud surrounding an atomic nucleus would best represent an;

  • a. s Orbital

The s Orbital has spherical symmetry and is located around the nucleus of an element.

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The angular quantum number (l) of the s subshell is 0. When fixed into the equation; 2 (2l + 1), the maximum number of electrons that this subshell can hold is 2.

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a S orbital


Atomic orbitals is the place where we are most likely to find at least one electron, this definition is based on the equation posed by Erwin Schrödinger.

It is said that each electron occupies an atomic orbital that is defined by a series of quantum numbers s, n, ml, ms. In any atom each orbital can contain two electrons. It is possible that thanks to the function of the orbitals, the appearance that atoms can have is that of a diffuse cloud.

The orbitals s (l = 0) have a spherical shape. The extent of this orbital depends on the value of the main quantum number, so a 3s orbital has the same shape but is larger than a 2s orbital.

The orbitals p (l = 1) are formed by two identical lobes that project along an axis. The junction zone of both lobes coincides with the atomic nucleus. There are three orbitals p (m = -1, m = 0 and m = + 1) in the same way, which differ only in their orientation along the x, y or z axes.

The orbitals d (l = 2) are also formed by lobes. There are five types of d orbitals (corresponding to m = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2)

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Heliocentric means aun-centered


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\footnotesize{ \mathbb{ HOPE \: \: \: IT'S \: \: \: HELPFULl!... \pink{✿}}}

What is water made up of?


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2 Hydrogen and 1 Oxygen otherwise known as H2O, if that's what your looking for

Plz help it's physics really easy


Technically, there is not enough information to tell, because in your picture, you cut off the last word in the question.

If the last word in the question is "acceleration", then "C" is the correct choice.

If some other word is the last one in the question, then it has to be "D".


D. there is not enough information to tell


I have already read this in grade five