Seven negative impacts of social media on teenagers in a democratic society


Answer 1

The nature of the political media product has changed, becoming almost inextricably infused with entertainment content. In sum, the United States has entered a "new media" age.Electronic media dominate in the "new media" era even more than in the recent past. Technologies, such as the Internet, have rendered print communication electronic, as traditional news organizations establish online counterparts to their newspapers and magazines. Further, the substance, form, and style of electronic communication has been altered radically. New-style electronic formats, such as Internet discussion groups and chat rooms, create new public spaces and provide unprecedented opportunities for political discourse

7 negative things that can happen when being on social media

. sometimes when you meet new people on social media somtimes there not really who they are or not really the age they say they are unless u trust them

.drama lots of drama can be caused

.pure pressure

.you can be made fun of and become depressed

.lose friends because of rumors that arnt true

.date a guy then when go to meet him hes 45 and chopes off your head

.fights can get started if you dont watch out what your discussions about

.your heart can get brocken from guys or girls saming they love you and leave u 2 days later

lol gave u 8 instead hope i could help but just because these can happen again doesnt mean its going to for sure so stay on socail media and yolo enjoy your life #TEAMSOCIALMEDIA hope i helped

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b. a metaphor.
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d. a simile.The line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is an example of:
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Answer: C) in addition to.

Explanation: a preposition is a word governing, and usually preceding, a noun or pronoun and expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause. A compound preposition is a combination of words (for example: according to, instead of, apart from, despite of, in addition to, due to, etc). In the given sentence we can see an example of a compound preposition in the words "in addition to."

"in addition to" is a compound preposition. Hope this helps 
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