what are 2 benefits of multicellular organisms having some specialized cells rather than all the cells being the same


Answer 1
Answer: It allows for variation. Any changes taking place would help a particular organ to improve instead if all the cells are similar the chances of evolution and changes for better being are probably less.
Answer 2
Answer: One is that it allows for variation which allows better chance of survival and evolution.

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How many total atoms are in the following compound?




There is 3 because K2 is its own atom and it has 2 K2 and Co3 is its own and there's one


This is what I was taught

After a caterpillar eats a leaf, it can convert tge chemical energy into blank energy to help it build a cocoon


The blank is mechanical. The leaf as their source of food contains mostly of starch and cellulose.

Which molecule is split apart in photosystern 112A. Glucose
B. Water
D. Carbon dioxide



B. Water


Photosystem II (PSII) splits water, in order to regain the electron lost, as the photon of light hits the chlorophyll.


2H2O→4H+  +O2+4  electrons

In other words, two water molecules can refuel the chlorophyll 4 times.

Hope this helps..Pls mark as Brainliest!!

C is the correct answer

What does the chalzae do
for a egg


The chalaza istructure inside bird eggs. It attaches the yolk  within the larger structure.In the eggs of most birds, the chalaza are two spiral bands of tissue that suspend the yolk in the center of the white (the albumen). The function of the chalazae is to hold the yolk in place.Thanks to the chalaza the yolk is not shifted from the middle position.

Farmers cultivate sugar cane and rose by using stem cuttings but all cutting didn’t grow why



do u know


Sometimes the cuttings wouldn't grow because of infertile soil or because the plant is unhealthy and cant attach itself to gather nutrients.

Hope this helps!

The survival of some plants depends on their ability to have seeds transported to a favorable environment. Describe three different ways seeds can be transported from one location to another?



Different plants have different strategies for the dispersal of seeds. It dependents upon the environment in which they are growing. The three different ways of seed dispersal are:

1. Gravity: As, the fruits in the seeds gets ripen, they fall from the trees or plants because of the action of gravity acting on them. This mechanism is called as abscission. The seeds gets ejected or comes out of the fruit after degradation and decomposition of the fruit.

2. Wind and water: Wind and water are two agents which facilitates the transfer of seeds from one location to the other location.

3. Animals and birds: The animals and birds consume fruits along with seeds. They leave the seeds to different location, in the form of whole seed, partially consumed fruit or in the form of seed present in their biological waste.


On the fur of animals, drop off plants as fruits, and consumed and excreted by animals


By wind, regeneration, and production of flagellated gametes

Double fertilization, mitosis, and on the fur of animals?

On the fur of animals, drop off plants as fruits, and consumed and excreted by animals

Vegetative reproduction, meiosis, and rhizomes

that was the right answer