Some baseball historians claim that the ___ of the Chicago Cubs by the Philadelphia Athletics in 1929 ranks as the all-time high point in the history of the World Series. A.


Answer 1

Some baseball historians claim that the (B) tenacity of the Chicago Cubs by the Philadelphia Athletics in 1929 ranks as the all-time high point in the history of the World Series. The word means continuing to exist or be persistent.

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Here are the sentences:
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Slow seem'd the sun to move, the hours to roll,
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Sees with delight the sun's declining ray,
When home with feeble knees he bends his way
To late repast (the day's hard labour done);
So to Ulysses welcome set the sun;

epic simile



Epic Simile


This is an example of an Epic Simile. Also known as Homeric Simile, it is an extended version of a simile, but often taking several lines. It is more typically found in poetry as a way to emphasize heroism, turning it into an unmissable feat.

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two entities, usually with the use of words like "as" or "like". For example: "Your cousin is agile like a cat."

epic simile because the rest do not fit in as well as epic simile

Which line from the text suggests that Mr. Utterson placed greatest trust in the people he had known for many years?“No doubt the feat was easy to Mr. Utterson; for he was undemonstrative at the best,”
“For all that, the two men put the greatest store by these excursions, counted them the chief jewel of each week,”
"His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest;“
“And to such as these, so long as they came about his chambers, he never marked a shade of change in his demeanor”.


The line from the text which suggests that Mr. Utterson placed greatest trust in the people he had known for many years is the following:

"His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest."

"His friends were those of his own blood or those whom he had known the longest;“

Select the sentence that has no errors in punctuation.A) Tamika was very angry at Connie for not speaking to her.
B) Because Connie would not speak to her Tamika was very angry.
C) Tamika was very angry because, Connie would not speak to her.
D) Tamika, was very angry because Connie would not speak to her.


The sentence which contains no errors in punctuation is letter A. Tamika was very angry at Connie for not speaking to her. 

The rest of the sentences should've been written like this:
Because Connie would not speak to her, Tamika was very angry. 
Tamika was very angry because Connie would not speak to her. 
Tamika was very angry because Connie would not speak to her.


A) Tamika was very angry at Connie for not speaking to her.


B) (Because Connie would not speak to her Tamika was very angry.) needs a comma between Her and Tamika

C) (Tamika was very angry because, Connie would not speak to her.) needs the comma removed

D) (Tamika, was very angry because Connie would not speak to her.) the comma after Tamika doesnt make sense

A is the only one with no mistake

Introvert and extrovert synonyms or Antonyms


They are antonyms because an introvert is more of person who likes to be alone and is a bit shy. An extrovert is usually outgoing and likes the company of other people.
Intro- within
Extro- outside of
FYI synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning, antonyms are words that are completely opposite.

Which one of the following sentences best explains the term bias?a. Bias is an opinion that favors one point of view.
b. Bias exchanges a negative opinion for a positive one.
c. Bias is a negative opinion.
d. Bias is an interpretation of something


Definition of bias: Some skirts are cut at angles one side is higher than the other. Bias is much like those skirts it is unequal. It can be a prejudice or a tendency. 

D. is wrong. Although bias is an interpretation of something.. it lacks the whole definition.
C. Anything can be a negative opinion this does not fully describe bias.
B. this is in no way related to the word bias.

The correct answer is A. 

The answer is A , an opinion that favors one point of view