In order to better understand the sorority pledging process at her university for her sociology thesis, Carmen pledges with a popular sorority. This is an example of _____.a. Dependent variables
b. Participant observation
c. Literature review
d. Secondary data analysis


Answer 1


b. Participant observation


According to my research on different research methods, I can say that based on the information provided within the question this is an example of Participant Observation. This is a research method in which the researcher joins the subjects as part of the experiment in order to gain better insight on their experiences. Which is what Carmen is doing in this situation.

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Carmen's decision to pledge a sorority to better understand the process for her sociology thesis represents an example of participant observation. This method involves joining a group to study its daily activities, rituals, and interactions.


In Carmen's case with her sorority, she is exhibiting what is referred to as participant observation. Participant observation is a research method commonly used in fields such as sociology and anthropology, where the researcher takes part in the daily activities, rituals, interactions, and events of a group of people as one means of learning the explicit and implicit aspects of their life routine and culture. Here, Carmen is joining a sorority to observe and understand the inner workings and the pledging process, thus ‘participating’ while making 'observations' for her study.

Learn more about Participant Observation here:


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In addition to federal income tax, many people also pay


In addition to the Federal income tax, people can  also pay for example:
-some local (for example state) taxes
-property taxes - taxes on the value of their property
-sales taxes, applied to purchases.

Their employers also have to pay payroll taxes, and self-employed have to pay those, too.

Final answer:

Aside from federal income tax, other major federal taxes people pay include payroll taxes (which fund Social Security and Medicare) and sometimes corporate income taxes.


In addition to federal income tax, many people also pay payroll taxes and sometimes corporate income taxes. Payroll taxes are a significant source of federal revenue, contributing to funds for Social Security and Medicare. If you are an employee, these are usually deducted from your paycheck by your employer. The individual income tax, usually due on April 15, and the payroll tax together account for about 80% of federal revenues. Beyond these, some people, especially business owners, may pay corporate income taxes. Remember that amounts and categories can vary based on many factors including income level, retirement contributions, and expenses.

Learn more about Federal Taxes here:


Some people are motivated by ____, rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms.a. internalization
c. narcissism
b. sanctions
d. self-fulfillment


Some people are motivated by sanctions self-fulfillment, rewards or punishments used to enforce conformity to norms. Thus, option B is correct.

What is conformity?

The act of conforming attitudes, views, and behaviours to social standards, political ideologies, or similar viewpoints is known as conformity. Norms are unspoken, detailed guidelines that a group of people adopt and use to govern their relationships with one another.

Because it is frequently simpler to follow the route others have previously built than to forge a new one, people frequently prefer to conform to society rather than to pursue their aspirations. As a result, group communication can occasionally result in uniformity. Small groups and/or society as a whole are prone to this inclination to conform, which can be brought on by covert and overt social pressure or by subtle unconscious effects (predisposed state of mind). Conformity can happen whether a person is with other people or not.

Learn more about conformity here:


Answer: ed gen uity says b


Because it is part of the US but is still a self-governing autonomous state, Puerto Rico is a good example of a __________.a. region
b. colony
c. territory
d. commonwealth


The best answer to the incomplete statement which is 'Because it is part of the US but is still a self-governing autonomous state, Puerto Rico is a good example of a..' would be considered as a territory (since it is already a self-governing autonomous state). 

the answer is the letter "D"

Choose EITHER Judaism OR Hinduism and describe its origin, major principles, and how it affected existing laws, social practices, or culture. Also describe whether and how the religion influenced other societies.


Origin:Judaism beganwith Abraham, a prophet in the Old Testament which became famous as the Fatherof all nations as Yahweh blessed him with this gift for his faith. Here,Yahweh, revealed Himself to him and then there started the proclamation thatthere is only one God, Yahweh.  (Genesis12:15)

The Torahbooks (Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, Leviticus, and Numbers)
The TenCommandments of Yahweh.

Political,Social and Cultural context:
Mostly, theTen Commandments in which “Thou shalt not kill, steal, covet, adultery and bearfalse witness” are some of the fundamental laws in the society nowadays, thoughwe can’t refer this significant laws as hinged to the Ten Commandments. They arestill likely similar in some natural aspects in today’s society. If you murder orrape someone you get arrested, if you take something that is not your own, youget arrested too.
The goldenrule. Most people or cultures in our existing community might say, ever heardof the golden rule? Well, it came from the Jewish laws in the Old testamentwhich says that “an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth” Exodus 21:24 and “Loveothers as yourself” Leviticus 19:18. 

Final answer:

Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions without a single founder, offering diverse traditions and beliefs. It shaped the caste system in Indian society and influenced many cultural aspects. Hinduism's dynamic interplay with Buddhism evolved its practices into a more personal form of devotion.


Origins and Major Principles of Hinduism

Hinduism is considered one of the oldest major religions, with its origins tracing back to the ancient Vedic civilizations in India around 3,000 years ago. Unlike other world religions, Hinduism developed without a single founder and is a synthesis of various beliefs and traditions.

The Hindu belief system is broad, encompassing a number of schools of thought and a vast array of rituals and practices. Hindus believe in a supreme divine power that manifests in various forms, including the major incarnations of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, which are sometimes compared to the Christian Trinity. This pluralistic tradition includes a vast body of scripture, notably the Vedas, the Upanishads, and epic narratives like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.

Influence on Society and Culture

Hinduism played a pivotal role in shaping Indian society and culture, particularly through the caste system, which organized society into hierarchical groups with specific roles and responsibilities. The caste system deeply influenced the laws, social practices, and daily life in India. Additionally, concepts such as karma and dharma from Hindu philosophy have influenced numerous other societies and religions.

Over time, Hinduism absorbed and was influenced by other traditions, including Buddhism, with which it had a dynamic interplay. This led to the evolution of Hindu practices, making it a more devotional religion that permitted individuals to engage with deities directly, as depicted in the central text of Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita.

Learn more about Hinduism here:


A demand schedule is used to show the __________.A.
cost of producing a good
demand in a given market
total value of all demanded goods
total value of all goods produced


Answer: B. demand in a given market

Demand schedule is used to show the demand in a given market.


Demand schedule refers to a table which shows the quantity demanded of a good or service in a given market that all consumers will buy at a given price over a specified period of time.  It can be on a graph as a continuous demand curve in which, Y-axis will represent price and X-axis will represent quantity.

Final answer:

A demand schedule is used to show the demand in a given market. It represents the quantity of a good or service consumers are willing to buy at different prices, illustrating the inverse relationship between price and demand.


The correct answer is B - demand in a given market. A demand schedule is a table that represents the quantity of a particular good or service that consumers are willing to purchase at various prices. It's effectively a graphical representation of the law of demand, showing the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded. For example, if the price for a product decreases, the quantity demanded generally increases. This is the essence of the demand schedule.

Learn more about Demand Schedule here:


Jim is looking to purchase a property but first wants to verify if there are any outstanding violations or complaints. Where should Jim go to find this information...?



Department of Buildings


According to my research on the different government departments that exist, I can say that based on the information provided within the question Jim would find this information in the Department of Buildings. This Department is in charge of enforcing a cities building codes and zoning regulations.

I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.