“Air raid Pearl Harbor. This is not a drill."•The announcement reproduced above could be considered a direct result of___________
The aggressive nature of Admiral Yamamoto
The actions of Commodore Perry to seal Japan
away from world trade
The fascist ideals of Nazi Germany
The American embargo of oil and other materials to Japan


Answer 1
Answer: The actions of Commodore Perry to seal Japan 
away from world trade

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the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments


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New York was initially settled by the Dutch.

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9 of the ratifications could make the Constitution accepted in 1787.

But all 13 colonies were accepted to ratify the constitution.

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Napoleon's invasion of Russia was a bout of political autism. Napoleon still couldve won. The allies actually considered a treaty where Napoleon would be able to keep most of his gains and remain as emperor months after his defeat in Russia.

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Assuming you're talking about either World War I or World War II, the The United States entry into the war was decisive because it committed US troops to a complicated war overseas. 

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The United States helped overthrow Guatemalan President Guzman in the early 1950s because he was suspected as a communist sympathizer. The United States overthrow President Guzman because the U.S. feared that communism would spread over the countries of Laos and Cambodia.


option A
