Find the error in the following pseudocode. Module main () Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5) End Module Module raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power) Declare Real result Set result=value^power Display result End Module


Answer 1


Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5) '


raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power)


To solve this, first organize the pseudo code,

1) main ()

2) Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5)

3) End Module

4) Module

5) raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power)

6) Declare Real result

7) Set result=value^power

8) Display result

9) End Module

The first three lines in pseudo code are representing the main module. While lines 4-9 shows the definition of module that is being called in main function.  

If we look at the raiseToPower definition at line5, we can see that it is requiring any real value for the base number. However, for power, it defines only integers.

But, in the main function, 1.5 is placed as a power that is not an integer. Therefore, this is the error in pseudo code. It should be changed to any integer.

Alternatively, change the integer power to real power to avoid this error.

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Approximately one to one and a half hours.

In an hour and a half, the shuttle should have already fired its reaction control systems thrusters with the vehicle oriented so that it travels upside down and tail first. When everything is ready, mission control issues the “go for de-orbit burn” The de-orbit burn last for 2 ½ minutes. The shuttle’s reaction control systems thrusters rotates the shuttle clockwise, approximately 180 degrees, so it approaches the atmosphere heat shield first, with the nose pitched upwards. At this point, the shuttle is a frying brick with thrusters.

According to NASA re-entry descent of a space shuttle after mission control gives the ‘Go’ for deorbit burn, is approximately one hour. Roughly after 30 minutes of deorbit burn, orbiter (shuttle) faces earth atmosphere around 80 miles above ground surface, and more than 5,000 statute miles from its landing site, called entry interface. At this point orbiter is not fuel by engines instead acts like a free fall object, steered in atmosphere through wings, here spacecraft behaves more like an aircraft. During reentry and landing, after deorbit burn, orbiter’s engine turns off and it flies like high-tech glider, its steering jets helps float in air and then its aerosurfaces to control the airflow around it.

Further explanation:

  • There are two points where space shuttles lands, first at the prime landing site at Kennedy Space Center in Florida or its backup landing site at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
  • When it is time for shuttle to return to Earth, the space craft  is rotated tail-first into the direction of travel to prepare for another firing of the orbital maneuvering system engines. This firing is called the deorbit burn. Time of ignition (TIG) is usually about an hour before landing to ground. The burn remains three to four minutes and slows the shuttle enough to begin its descent.
  • TIG-1 hour ; Mission Control gives the "go" for deorbit burn.
  • DEORBIT BURN; The orbiter and crew are officially on their way home, earth.
  • Touchdown: Is the point where, the orbiter's main landing gear touches down on the runway at 214 to 226 miles per hour, followed by the nose gear. The drag chute is deployed, and the orbiter coasts to a stop.

Learn more:

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Answer details:

Subject: Computers and Technology

Chapter: Role of NASA  in deorbit burn

Keywords: NASA, descent of a space shuttle, deorbit burn, TIG-1 hour, space shuttle etc.

An image of landing site is attached below.