Which rock has the highest metamorphic grade


Answer 1


The correct answer is Gneiss.


Metamorphic rocks refer to the rocks that get modified due to pressure, heat, and chemical procedures, generally while buried deep underneath the surface of the Earth. Getting exposed to these extreme conditions change the texture, mineralogy, and chemical composition of the rocks.  

There are two fundamental kinds of metamorphic rocks known, these are foliated metamorphic rocks like gneiss and non-foliated metamorphic rocks like quartzite. Of the metamorphic rocks, the highest grade metamorphic rock is gneiss. It exhibits a banded appearance and is formed of granular mineral grains. It usually comprises enough amount of feldspar or quartz minerals.  

Answer 2




The Gneiss rock is the highest grade metamorphic rock, contains bands of easily visible quartz, feldspar, and/or mica.

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