[HELP ASAP]Proteins are made up of long chains of which of these building blocks?

a. saccharides
b. nucleotides
c. fatty acids
d. amino acids


Answer 1


amino acids


Saccharides are for polysaccharides

Nucleotides are for DNA

Fatty acids are for lipids

Amino acids line up in a chain during translation into a protein.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Proteins are made up of long chains of building blocks called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids that can be combined to create a protein. The sequence of these amino acids determines the protein's structure and function.


Proteins, which are integral to bodily processes, are composed of long chains of building blocks known as amino acids. There are 20 different types of amino acids that can be combined to make a protein. The sequence of the amino acids determines the structure and function of each protein. Unlike saccharides, which make up carbohydrates, nucleotides that build up nucleic acids, and fatty acids which are the building blocks of lipids; amino acids are unique in their role as the building blocks of proteins.

Learn more about Proteins here:



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Perceptual narrowing is a developmental process during which the brain uses environmental ... Social Gating might function in a number of ways; for example, by increasing infants' attention or arousal, increasing ... Some research suggests that infants universally have this experience

Final answer:

Perceptual narrowing involves refining sensory experiences based on individual beliefs, expectations, and cultural context, affecting the way we process and interpret sensory information. Examples of perceptual narrowing include the Müller-Lyer illusion, bias in identification of weapons associated with racial bias, and the perception of characters in media and art forms.


Perceptual narrowing refers to the process where our sensory experiences refine themselves over time to become more selective, based on our beliefs, expectations, cultural context, and life experiences, often excluding information from other cultures or perspectives. It is a part of our perceptual set, forming our interpretation of sensory information.

One example of perceptual narrowing is the Müller-Lyer illusion, which demonstrates how individuals from Western cultures, owing to their 'carpentered world' of straight lines and angles, are more likely to perceive parallel lines of equal length as unequal if they are bracketed by angled lines. This is not experienced by individuals from certain non-Western cultures, such as the Zulu of South Africa, due to their 'uncarpentered' world of circular huts and absence of right angles.

Another example is how implicit racial bias can affect perception, as studies have shown that non-Black individuals are quicker to identify weapons and more likely to misidentify non-weapons as weapons when coupled with images of Black individuals. This is a grave manifestation of perceptual narrowing on societal and cultural levels, showcasing how prejudices and cultural bias can alter perception.

Perceptual narrowing also extends to perception of media and art forms, like time, place, and cultural context of female leads in romantic comedies or depiction of characters in films.

Learn more about Perceptual Narrowing here:



Cells can regulate what they need or don't need to maintain their own health. True False


True. This is called cellular homeostasis. This happens when cells are able to produce and excrete materials within their environment to regulate processes like cellular respiration, phagocytosis, and pinocytosis. If cells are not able to do this, mutations and excessive cellular division may occur causing abnormalities in specific organisms.

Which of the following changes igneous or sedimentary rock into metamorphic rock? A.) heat and pressure
B.) heat and weathering
C.) water and weathering
D.) water and pressure


The answer is letter a. Being subjected to immense heat and the experience of pressure due to being far below the Earth's surface can change igneous or sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks.

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The formation of metamorphic rocks takes place when either sedimentary or igneous rocks are subjected to immense pressure and heat.

Further Explanation:

Rocks are found on earth as metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous. The name is based on how these rocks are formed. The shells, sand particles, and pebbles form the sedimentary rocks. These particles are called sediments and their accumulation into layers results in the formation of rocks as they gradually harden over time. The igneous rocks are formed as a result of cooling followed by hardening of magma under the Earth's surface. The metamorphic rocks are formed due to metamorphosis which takes place below the surface of the Earth as a result of application of heat and pressure.

The change of one rock type into another over a period of time is termed as metamorphosis or rock cycle. The increase in pressure and heat due to stress can change a solid rock into a new type of rock. The temperature increases because of the deeper buried layers of sediments below the Earth's surface. As the layers descend the temperature increases gradually for every proceeding kilometer. The temperature becomes even hotter as the layer turns deeper. As the weight of every subsequent layer increases, it also increases the pressure which in turn causes a further increase in temperature.

Metamorphism can occur in two ways:

1. The rocks come in contact with each other as the plates slide over one another producing a shearing effect. This causes the descending rocks to change.

2. The descending rocks might also melt due to friction. The melted is considered as the igneous rock but the rock adjacent to it might become a metamorphic rock due to the production of heat.

Learn More:

1. Learn more about prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells brainly.com/question/1579016

2. Learn more about eukaryotic cells brainly.com/question/4493579

3. Learn more about DNA and RNA brainly.com/question/334927

Answer Details:

Grade: Higher secondary

Subject: Biology

Chapter: The Rock Cycle


Rock cycle, types of rock, sedimentary rock, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, magma, Earth’s surface, metamorphosis.

Evolution is: A) A change in the composition of a population from one generation to the next.
B) A phenomenon that must be inferred from evidence, because it cannot be observed directly.
C) The transformation of an individual to better fit its environment.
D) Driven by the use or disuse of a body part, as when a finch uses its beak to crack open seeds.


a, b, and c are all correct.

take for example finches off of the galapagos islands. they vary from island to island, yet are still the same bird. on one island they have bigger, more durable and stronger beaks, because that island has many nuts to crack open and eat. on another island, they have thin ling beaks, ideal for pecking at insects in the grass on tree bark. evolution is literally survival of the ifttest, where those equipped best will live and those without means to fight for life will die off, leaving those most capable of reproduction and passing down genes.

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Stem cell research has many potential future uses. Communication is vital because:
1) Through worldwide collaboration, progress is faster
2) Ethical issues may impede progress if not carefully considered


Stem cell research has many potential future uses. Communication is vital because:

1) Through worldwide collaboration, progress is faster

2) Ethical issues may impede progress if not carefully considered


Two or more atoms held together by covalent bonds. Not necessarily a compound.A. Cellulose
B. Molecule
C. Glycogen
D. Electron


Molecules are tow or more atoms held together by the covalent bond. Not necessarily a compound.