If a person is said to suffer from hyperplasia , this means


Answer 1
Answer: the answer would be : his or her fat tissue is likely to have bigger fat cells, and more of them
Someone who suffer from hyperlasia will experience an increase in the reproduction rate of their cells. This increase will cause an enlargement on their organ or tissue. 

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If you're in your car during a thunderstorm, the best thing to do is to _____. abandon it and flee to higher ground go lie in a ditch stay in your car go crouch under a tree


well NOT go to a higher ground- the chance is higher you will die.
also not crouch under a tree- that's not so good 
and you should lie in a ditch during a hurricane- Not a thunderstorm 
So Stay in your car. would be best

An athlete who trains using plyometrics will develop the skills in


The answer that would best complete the given statement above is fast, powerful movement. Plyometrics which is also known as "jump training" are exercises wherein the muscles exert the highest amount of force in a short span of time. The exercises included in plyometrics are mainly to develop strength/power and speed. 

Which statement correctly compares the inheritance of blood type in humans and the inheritance of length of ears in corn plants?


Answer:Blood type is controlled by multiple forms of a single gene, while the length of corn ears is controlled by many different genes.


Heredity is considered a controllable risk factor. True or false?


Heredity is a factor that is transmitted from one generation to another. It cannot be controlled as genes are responsible for certain mental and physical characteristic is transferred in an unaltered form.

Further Explanation:

Transfer of characteristic from one generation to another is referred to as heredity. Examples of traits that can be transmitted from one generation to another are eye color and the type of the blood group. Some time genetic mutations that are present in parents also transmit in progeny.

Genes are the linear sequence of the nucleotides that are mainly encoded for a protein having a particular function. The alleles are defined as the variant type of the gene. These alleles are responsible for transmitting characteristics from one generation to another. The hereditary diseases are uncontrollable because they occur due to the mutation in the allele and they are transferred from one generation to another. Due to which it cannot be altered with any medical treatment. Some diseases can be controlled, such as cold and STIs. They are referred to as a controllable disease.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about mitosis  brainly.com/question/6462270
  2. Learn more about the menstrual cycle  brainly.com/question/723944
  3. Learn more about meiosis brainly.com/question/94813

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Genetics


Controllable disease, generation, mutation, hereditary disease, genes, blood group, mutation, allele, heredity, characteristics, nucleotide, variant.

The answer will be false.

If a child develops regular exercise habits, what may likely occur later


if a child develops regular exercise habits, the one that would be really likely to occur is : The child will continue to exercise throughout life Old habits really hard to get rid off. When a child developed a healthy habits such as exercise from early age, it would be very likely that they will continue it and managed to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their life

Answer choices are:

The child will continue to exercise throughout life.

The child will never want to exercise again later on.

The child will get injured and become disabled.

The child will develop poor decision-making skills.


Correct answer choice is:

A. The child will continue to exercise throughout life.



Not just does exercise blend your body so you can wear your beloved jeans, it stimulates your tissues, retains your bones strong, and enhances your skin. And there are more advantages to exercise, improved recreation, sufficient sleep and feeling, healthy immune capacity, and more. To produce more ATP, your body requires additional oxygen, so breathing rises and your heart begins pumping more blood to your tissues. Without adequate oxygen, lactic acid will produce rather. Small tears in your muscles execute them grow greater and powerful as they recover.

If a woman requests a legal abortion from a doctor, what is the doctor's obligation towards the woman if the doctor opposes abortions on moral or religious grounds? a.the doctor has the right to refuse.
b.the doctor must perform the abortion.
c.the doctor must refer the patient to another physician.
d.the doctor must report the abortion to a review board for consideration.


The doctor has the right to refuse, the woman can always go to another doctor.