Which element of presentation software can you use to add callouts and banners?


Answer 1
Answer: 1.)From the Insert tab, select the Shapes command. A drop-down menu will appear.
2.)Select the desired shape
Click and drag the slide to create the shape. You may need to move or resize the shape so it points to the desired part of the image.
f you want your callout to contain text, start typing while the shape is selected.
From the Format tab, you can use the options in the Shape Styles group to customize the appearance of the shape. You can also adjust the font from the Home tab
Answer 2

the answer i can confirm is Shapes

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C is the answer i hope that will help you with the question

for the employee class program in the unit 3 finishing the employee class program tutorial, what if we need to update the display menu and selections to add in a way to change the id of an employee? what code segments would need to be added to the display menu() method and the command while loop respectively to implement this?


To update the display menu and selections in the Employee class program tutorial to include the option to change an employee's ID, you would need to add code segments to the `display_menu()` method and the command `while` loop.

Here's a possible implementation:


class Employee:

   def __init__(self, name, id):

       self.name = name

       self.id = id

   def display_menu(self):

       print("1. Change ID")

       print("2. Display Employee Details")

       print("3. Quit")

   def change_id(self):

       new_id = input("Enter new ID: ")

       self.id = new_id

       print("Employee ID changed successfully.")

   def run(self):

       choice = 0

       while choice != 3:


           choice = int(input("Enter your choice: "))

           if choice == 1:


           elif choice == 2:


           elif choice == 3:



               print("Invalid choice. Try again.")

   def display_details(self):

       print("Employee Name:", self.name)

       print("Employee ID:", self.id)


In the updated code, the `display_menu()` method now includes the option "1. Change ID" to indicate the ability to change the employee's ID.

Inside the `run()` method, the `choice` variable is used to track the user's input. If the choice is 1, the `change_id()` method is called, which prompts the user to enter a new ID and updates the `id` attribute of the employee object accordingly.

With these additions, the updated Employee class program allows users to select the option to change the ID of an employee from the menu and executes the necessary code to facilitate the ID change.

Learn more about display menu:



What is a database,file,record,field and data?


Data Base: a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.

File: a folder or box for holding loose papers that are typically arranged in a particular order for easy reference. (this is for the computer and not like paper)

a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account of an act or occurrence kept in writing or some other permanent form. (so like a past item)

the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media.

What is the output of the following program?#include using namespace std;void doSomething(∫);int main(){int x = 2;cout << x << endl;doSomething(x);cout << x << endl;return 0;}void doSomething(int &num){num = 0;cout << num << endl;}



The outputs of the code is





First, I'll arrange the code line by line. While arranging the code, I'll make some corrections

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void doSomething();

int main(){

int x = 2;

cout << x <<endl;


cout << x << endl;

return 0;


void doSomething(int &num)


num = 0;

cout << num << endl;


At line 6, the value of x which is 2 is printed and the line is terminated to prevent printing of value on the same line. So, the next print statement will start on the next line.

At line 7, the function doSomething () is called.

This statement will execute the instructions in the doSomething () function and print value 0. This line is also terminated.

At line 8, the value of x is printed which is also 2

In Windows, which menu allows you to view file characteristics?a. View menu
b. Start menu
c. Details menu
d. File menu


View Menu

Hope this helps ;)