Which is the definition of an embryo?


Answer 1
Answer: An embryo is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in an
early stage of embryogenesis,ordevelopment. Ingeneral,an embryo develops from a zygote, the single cell resulting from the fertilization of the female egg cell by the male sperm cell.
Answer 2
Answer: here is the definition

an unborn or unhatched offspring in the process of development.

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Answer: Hemostasis includes three steps that occur in a rapid sequence:

Explanation: 1) vascular spasm, or vasoconstriction, a brief and intense contraction of blood vessels; (2) formation of a platelet plug; and (3) blood clotting or coagulation, which reinforces the platelet plug with fibrin mesh that acts as a glue to hold the clot.


The Blood Clotting Process

Injury. A small tear in a blood vessel wall (for example, from a cut on the skin or an internal injury) causes bleeding.

Vessel constriction. To control blood loss the blood vessel narrows (called constriction), thus limiting blood flow through the vessel.

Platelet plug. ...

Fibrin clot.

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The answer is the germ cells.

Mutation can occur in any type of the cell - either germ cells or somatic cells. Germ cells give rise to the gametes. If the mutation occurs in these cells, the change will be present in gametes, too. This way mutation can be passed on to the next generation. On the other hand, somatic mutations (mutations in the somatic cells) are not passed on to the next generation. 



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the atmosphere transfers heat energy and moisture across the Earth. Incoming solar radiation (insolation) is redistributed from areas in which there is a surplus of heat (the equator) to areas where there is a heat deficit (the North and South Pole). This is achieved through a series of atmospheric cells: the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell and the Polar cell (Figure 2). These operate in a similar way to, and indeed interact with, the ocean conveyor.

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Proteins are polymers made up of strings of amino acids. Proteins serve many functions in organisms including transport of molecules, structure, cell adhesion and as signaling molecules such as hormones.

Proteins are made from amino acids, which are the building blocks of any protein, chained together in a specific order through peptide bonds. 

what would a scientist most likely observe in the liver cells of an individual who is a heavy drinker of alcoholic beverages



Steatosis hepatitis and fibrosis\cirrhosis.


Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption produces a wide spectrum a hepatic lesson the most characteristic of which are steatosis hepatitis and fibrosis\cirrhosis.