Choose the statement that is NOT true about Friedrich Engels


Answer 1

Answer choices are :

A) Engels came from a well-to-do family.

B) Engels' writings were followed by the Communist Party.

C) Engels edited Karl Marx's Das Kapital.

D) Engels once personally tutored Karl Marx.

Correct answer choice is :

D)  Engels once personally tutored Karl Marx.


Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, socialist, social scientist, journalist, and businessman. His father was a proprietor of a large textile factory in Salford, England. Engels established the Marxist theory together with Karl Marx and in 1845 printed. The condition of the functioning group in England, based on personal investigations and research in Manchester. In 1848, Engels co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Marx and also authored and co-authored many other activities.

Answer 2

Final answer:

Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, and revolutionary socialist, who co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx. He supported Marx's research and writings, making a false statement 'Engels rejected all forms of socialism' as he contributed significantly to the theory of scientific socialism.


To answer a question about what is NOT true about Friedrich Engels, it's essential to understand who he was. Friedrich Engels was a German philosopher, historian, political scientist, and revolutionary socialist. He co-authored The Communist Manifesto with Karl Marx and also supported Marx financially in doing research and writing Das Kapital. A statement that is NOT true about Friedrich Engels could, for example, be: 'Engels rejected all forms of socialism', as in fact, he was a leading figure in developing the theory of scientific socialism.

Learn more about Friedrich Engels here:


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Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines all became U.S. possessions as a result of the "Spanish-American War", since these were all help previously by the Spanish. 

Final answer:

Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines became U.S. possessions following the Spanish-American War, which marked the start of the United States' significant territorial expansion.


The territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines became U.S. possessions as a result of the Spanish-American War. In this conflict, U.S. Commodore George Dewey swiftly destroyed the Spanish fleet in the Philippines territory. Due to the war's outcome, Spain ceded Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, also allowing the United States to purchase the Philippines. The Spanish-American War was a critical turning point, setting the stage for the United States' emergence as a prominent global power.

Learn more about Spanish-American War here:


Why did king Louis XVI conclude to increase taxes? Give 5 reasons with examples in support of your answer.


Because France was bankrupt from helping the American colonists in their fight against Great Britain for their independence (The American Revolution).

They had problems with a number of its neighbors including the Russians and England that is kinda why no one stepped in during the Revolution.

When Louis had first ascended the throne, his chief financial officer was a man named Turgot who was a brilliant and creative administrator. Turgot instantly set about trying to reform the country's financial situation by instituting a series of reforms that included replacing the corvée with a tax on landowners, an easing of guild laws to allow industrial manufacturing to increase, and, radically, a sharp cut in monarchical expenses.

When the reforms failed, Louis dismissed Turgot. From that point onwards, the country would fall into ruinous financial crisis. At the heart of the crisis was the financial and administrative mismanagement of taxes. Both the Seven Years War and the French support of the American Revolution had put France deeply in debt; over one half of the country's budget was dedicated to paying off that debt. 

The country was going broke.

Reasons for which King Louis XVI concluded to increase taxes:

  • In 1774, when Louis XVI ascended the throne of France, he found an empty treasury. Long years of war had drained the financial resources of the country.
  • The cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles also drained the resources.
  • France, under the leadership of Louis XVI, helped the thirteen American colonies to gain their independence from Britain. The war added more than a billion livres to a debt which had already risen to 2 billion livres.
  • Lenders who gave the state credit, now began to charge 10% on loans. So, the French government was obliged to spend an increasing percentage of its budget on interest payments alone.
  • So, Louis XVI was forced to increase taxes to meet the nation's regular expenses, such as the cost of maintaining an army, the court, running government offices or universities.

Hope you could get an idea from here.

Doubt clarification - use comment section.

Although their approach to modernization and imperialism was different, China and Japan agreed that __________. Question options: Western imperialism would have a positive effect on the growth of their industries and economies their traditional ancient cultures would not be threatened by Western imperialism Western imperialism would adversely affect their economies, governments, and citizens they needed to develop strong armies and navies for protection against the West


Although their approach to modernization and imperialism was different, China and Japan agreed that : 
A. Western domination was bad for their governments, economies, and citizens. 


Western imperialism would adversely affect their  economies, governments, and citizens .


Western imperialism or influence in China and Japan affected the Chinese and the Japanese economy in various ways:

Westerners introduced modern transportation and communications, created an export market, and integrated the Chinese market into the nineteenth century world economy. To some, this new way of thinking was beneficial for modernization, but for others, China was paying a heavy price with imperialism imposing a state of dependence on China, condemning China to a condition of underdevelopment, its local industry destroyed.

Radical reformers wanted to eliminate traditional culture, condemning it as an instrument of oppression, they were interested in creating a new China and wanted to be respected by the modern world. First changes in traditional culture came in the late nineteenth century. Western books, art and ideas were introduced, art and literature becoming popular. Traditional culture remained popular in rural areas. Family values were still kept traditional, although as time went on they slowly adapted to the modern ways.

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b. British education and experience in segregated South Africa
c. Experience with British bureaucrats and deep-seated pragmatism
d. British education, South African experience, and mysticism


I think the answer would be B

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