How did the Vietnam war affect immigration to United States in the 1970s


Answer 1

Asian immigration increased because many Vietnamese people escaped the chaos and violence after the war.

Answer 2


A: How did the Vietnam War affect immigration to the United States in the 1970s?

Which statement best describes the Tet Offensive, which occurred during the Vietnam War?

D: It was a sudden series of attacks by North Vietnam on bases and towns.

One reason President Johnson created the Great Society program was to

D: carry on the social reform goals of his predecessor.

What problem was the Medicare program created to solve?

b: the lack of health care for older people

In the 1960s, a form of protest known as a teach-in typically

a: involved groups participating in speeches and debates.

By the time he was assassinated, Robert Kennedy

B: was a Democratic candidate for president.

Which best describes Hubert Humphrey’s candidacy in 1968?

A: Humphrey was hurt by his association with the adminstration’s Vietnam War policy.

Which is the best summary of the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis?

B: The United States discovered Soviet missile bases in Cuba and blockaded the island; a secret agreement led to the removal of missiles from Cuba and Turkey.

Which statement would a judicial activist most likely make?

A: Which statement would a judicial activist most likely make?

The counterculture movement of the 1960s is best described as

B: a social movement that expressed discontent with mainstream society.

To combat US troops in Vietnam, the Viet Cong

C: used guerrilla warfare tactics.

How did the Tet Offensive affect the South Vietnamese people during the Vietnam War?

C: It left many South Vietnamese towns and cities with extensive damage.

The Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines School District dealt with

D: students’ right to free speech in public schools.

Which action led to the Warren Court case about students’ right to free speech in public schools?

A: a protest against the Vietnam War

Some young men who were drafted during the Vietnam War avoided military service by

A: fleeing to Canada or another country.



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During the Industrial revolution who demanded reform


the working class people demanded reform. hope this helps

During the Industrial Revolution, various groups and individuals demanded reform for a range of reasons. These demands were driven by the significant economic, social, and politicalchanges that characterized the period.

1. Laborers and Workers: Industrialization led to harsh working conditions, long hours, and low wages in factories. Labor unions and workers' movements, such as the Luddites, Chartists, and trade unions, demanded reforms like better pay, safer working conditions, and reasonable working hours.

2. Social Reformers: Prominent social reformers like Charles Dickens and Karl Marx criticized the stark inequalities and the deplorable living conditions of the working class. They advocated for social and economic reforms, including better housing, healthcare, and education for the poor.

3. Political Activists: The rapid urbanization and social changes during the Industrial Revolution fueled political activism. Groups like the Chartists in Britain pushed for universal suffrage and other democratic reforms.

4. Environmentalists: As industrialization caused environmental degradation and pollution, early environmentalists began advocating for reforms in environmental policies and regulations to protect the environment.

In summary, various groups, including laborers, socialreformers, political activists, and environmentalists, demanded reforms during the Industrial Revolution to address the pressing issues of the time.

To know more about Industrial Revolution,


all of the following were problems that the government of the confederate states of america faced except which of the following


The Confederates were able to face many problems except the centralization of power. During the time of President Davis, he was able to centralized man power and an army, however there are some Southern governors who wished to keep some of their man power and army. Davis was not able to persuade the governors due to the state rights being implemented.

Americans who supported the war were called what?


the answer to your question is PATRIOTS because they supported the war.

The competition between the United states and the Soviet Union which grew during the mid to late twentieth century is known as.a. The Cuban missile crisis.
b. Containment.
c. The Cold War.
d. The marshal plan.


Even though the Cuban Missile Crisis & the Cold War were both between the United States and Soviet Union, The Cuban Missile Crisis happened on October 14 1962 until October 28 1962.  Now, the Cold War on the other hand, happened between 1948 until 1990 (Which of course is the answer).
Hope this helps & makes sense ! (:

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between Sweden’s population policies and those pursued by India and China?


The population policies in Sweden and China/India are very different. Sweden experiences a negative population growth, so because of this, Sweden encourages population growth. India and China are over-populated, which is a problem as there aren't enough resources for all people. because of this India and China discourage population growth.

While the economies of countries like the United States are generally considered capitalist they are not pure market economies A. True
B. False





The characteristic of a capitalist economy is  private ownership of businesses and means of production. It depends on free market for income prices and distribution of goods. while a socialist economy is characterised by government intervention for allocating the resources among its populations, prices are determined by the government.

Most of the countries today are mixed economies in which features of both capitalist and socialist economies are utilised as pure free market economies are prone to slowdowns,  such a slowdown started in October 1929 in US. After that US government started to intervene in economic activities to achieve social aims. Mixed economies maintain private ownership and control of the means of production under government regulation, some industries are also under government control to  produce public goods.

US is a mixed economy.

Answer: the answer true not false

Explanation:just took the test