Eugenie walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. Her parents, brother, and sister were already at the table. "Good morning to the world!" she said. "Tim, hand me the orange juice. What does everyone have planned for today?"What type of sentence is "Good morning to the world!"?

What type of sentence is "Good morning to the world!"?

A. Imperative
B. Declarative
C. Exclamatory
D. Interrogative


Answer 1
Answer: The sentence "Good morning to the world!" is an C. exclamatory sentence. It is easy to recognize this type of a sentence because there is an exclamation mark at the end, which is how you know this is an exclamatory sentence. Imperative sentences give some kind of an order, declarative sentences just give information, and interrogative sentences ask a question.

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Zeus sends two eagles soaring through the air during Telemachus' assembly with the suitors as an omen that Odysseus will return home soon. True False


Answer: I would contend that this statement is actually TRUE.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that this action takes place in Book 2, in which Telemachus prepares for his voyage. Telemachus is talking to a group of Achaeans, and one of them, Antinous, blames his mother Penelope for deceiving the suitors and requests him to force her to marry one of them. Telemachus rejects this idea, and, pleading the immortal gods, warns the Achaeans that one day they will die in his house. Immediately thereafter Zeus replies by sending out the two eagles, who fly over the crowd and beat their wings with "destruction in their eyes," and an old warrior named Halitherses makes the prophecy that Odysseus is on his way and plans a "disastrous fate" for the suitors.      

False. Zeus sends the two eagles down to attack the suitors as an omen of death/revenge.

Why aré privacy and confidentiality so important to patients and health care practitioners?


The reason why this is so important is due to the fact that if the information of the patients and practitioners are not protected, the trust between the doctor and its patient will become compromised. The patients will then avoid to share medical info related to the matter.

Choose the correct sentence in past continuous: *You was playing basketball in the park yesterday afternoon
My brothers and I was studying for the English Exam.
It was raining heavily all the time in Cancun, what a terrible experience!



It was raining heavily all the time in Cancun, what a terrible experience!



The third sentence, "It was raining heavily all the time in Cancun, what a terrible experience!"

Read this excerpt from G. K. Chesterton's "The Fallacy of Success":Turning over a popular magazine, I find a queer and amusing example. There is an article called "The Instinct that Makes People Rich." It is decorated in front with a formidable portrait of Lord Rothschild. There are many definite methods, honest and dishonest, which make people rich; the only "instinct" I know of which does it is that instinct which theological Christianity crudely describes as "the sin of avarice." That, however, is beside the present point. I wish to quote the following exquisite paragraphs as a piece of typical advice as to how to succeed.

When the writer describes his experience of reading a magazine article, it is an example of which rhetorical device?


anecdotal evidence

political satire

ethical appeal


When the writer describes his experience of reading a magazine article, it is an example of B. anecdotal evidence Anecdotal evidence is the evidence that rely too much on an individual's experience. Anecdotal evidence is considered an unreliable evidence because it often do not represent the whole consensus


B.anecdotal evidence

Explanation:Plato answer

What is the prepositional phrase in: A family with three children left the park.
