When may minors legally consume alcohol?


Answer 1
Answer: I believe minors can only drink alcohol for religious purposes

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its voted down a web page


You can enter text on a slide by using: placeholders textboxes flow charts


You can enter text on a slide by using "textboxes".
I would recommend the text boxes. In my digital literacy class(computer class) we use Microsoft computers so we have Microsoft word. We use Microsoft word alot and when we make slides we use textboxes. I also use text boxes on word at my house on my Apple Mac computer.

Hello,I have to build a program using assembly with Mars system.

The program is supposed to return a hailstone Sequence

A)- get user input (integer) - N

B) check if even or odd

- if the input is even, the next number should N/2

- if the user's input (N*3)+1

C) reproduce the operation on the next number until the number is equal to 1

D) display the sequence

E) count and display the number of iterartion

I have the user input done, and then, I tried to do a bitwise operation using AND to see if the number is even or not but the program doesn't work after the user's input, as i have an output equal to zero

can you help me please?

here is my code so far


prompt: .asciiz "enter an integer:"
message1: .asciiz "you entered an even number"
message2: .asciiz "you entered an odd number"
message3: .asciiz "and the next numbers should be:"
gototheline: .asciiz "\n"
message4: .asciiz "you just entered the number:"


#print the prompt
li $v0,4
la $a0,prompt

#get the user's input
li $v0,5

#store the input'svalue
move $t3, $v0

#display the user's input message
li $v0,4
la $a0,message4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print value entered by user
li $v0,1
move $a0, $t3

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#bitwise operation on the input
and $a0,$0,1

#call odd function if number is odd
beq $a0,1,ifodd

#print next number message
li $v0, 4

#go to the line
li $v0,4
la $a0,gototheline

#print result
li $v0,1
addi $a0,$v1,0

li $v0,10

#print message if even
la $a1,message1

#call the function operation even to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationeven

#print message if odd
la $a2,message2

#call method to do math on the number entered by user
jal operationodd

#if even N/2
div $v1,$t3,2 # return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


#multiply by 3
mul $t1,$t3,3

#add 1 to the result of the multiplication
add $v1, $t1,1 #return value on $v1

jr $ra #go back to the main


I think you should get used input

What do we use to type into a computer



We can use Keyboard to type in to the computer system.


Keyboard is the device through which we can type into the computer system in many languages and also we can write words, numbers, symbols, and characters also. We can also say that the keyboard is the combination of the keys by which we can write into the system and it is also known as the typewriter of the computer system

Jason is working on a Microsoft Excel worksheet and he wants to create a Print Preview shortcut. His teacher asks him to access the Customization option to create the new shortcut. Which two tabs should Jason select to place the Print Preview shortcut on the worksheet toolbar?A. New Tab (Custom) and New Group (Custom)
B. New File Tab (Custom) and New Tab (Custom)
C. New Custom Group and New Command
D. New Custom Tab and New Command


Letter B I’d say (:

I am not sure put it would probably be the second option so B. But I am not sure.

5.PART A: How does Harry's repetition of the phrase "I'll be in my bedroom, making home
and pretending I'm not there" impact the tone of the passage?
A. It shows how much Harry loves sitting in his room all by himself so he can
practice magic.
B. It shows how much the Dursleys love Harry and respect his privacy.
It highlights the contrast between Harry's love for quiet time and Dudley's
hatred of it.
It highlights the contrast between the Dursley's excitement for the dinner and
Harry's loneliness.


The answer is : It highlights the contrast between the Dursley's excitement for the dinner and Harry's loneliness.

Harry is a lonely boy as he must remain outcast and invisible to Dursley's visitors. During this time, Dursleys are expecting some visitors which has relation to Vernon's job. Harry must stay in the bedroom so the visitors won't see him and won't ask some things about him. Since they are having a visitor, a dinner must be served to make the visit worthwhile which is what the Dursleys are looking forward to.