What is gene splicing used to produce


Answer 1
Answer: Gene splicing is used to produce Human insulin
Answer 2
Answer: human insulin is the answer 

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What is the total of O2 + CO2



The total of O2 + CO2 is not a mathematical expression that can be added together.

O2 and CO2 represent different chemical compounds: O2 refers to oxygen gas (two oxygen atoms bonded together), and CO2 refers to carbon dioxide (one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms).

In chemistry, we do not add or combine the formulas of different compounds in the same way we add numbers. Instead, we use chemical reactions and equations to understand how elements and compounds interact and form new substances.

Which of the following is the correct sequence for the pollen tube to eventually reach the egg in a flowering plant?a. stigma, ovary, ovule, style
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The pollen tube eventually reaches the egg in a flowering plant by passing through the stigma, style, ovary, and ovule.


Hope this helps!





It is believed that solar nebular materials came from which of the following?a. Material from previous stars
b. The sun
c. Terrestrial planets
d. Solar winds


The solar nebular materials are believed to have originated from previous stars making the correct answer A. 


a. Material from previous stars


Solar nebula was a molecular cloud, composed of dust and gases from which the sun and planets were born. The solar nebula material came from the material from the previous stars. When a star dies, it expels out most of its mass and from this material, nebula is formed from which new stars and planets form.

Solar wind is composed of high speed charged particles emitting out from the sun.

Terrestrial planets have rocky surface.

The process of maintaining internal stability is a central concept of human physiology and is called? User: The prediction of the outcome of a disease is called?


The concept of internal human stability which is also a central concept of human physiology which you're talking about/asking a question about would be homeostasis. By a homeostatis we're talking about a very narrow interval of functioning in which people function best and have optimal working efficiency. 

Create a personal plan of preventative health and dental management. What steps can you take to maintain your health and wellness?answer: It is important to see my doctor regularly for an annual checkup. I will ensure that I receive all vaccinations so that I can prevent serious diseases such as mumps and measles. I will also perform monthly self-exams to check for lumps so that I can detect cancer early. I will visit my dentist twice a year for cleanings, and once a year for a dental exam, so that problems such as cavities can be taken care of promptly.


Create a personalized plan for preventive care to maintain your health and well-being.

Plan regular checkups, get the proper shots, and do self-tests. Adopt a healthy lifestyle by getting enough sleep, controlling your stress, and eating a balanced diet. It is recommended to have a cleaning and checkup at the dentist twice a year. Adopt proper oral hygiene practices, such as brushing, flossing and using mouthwash.

Follow screening recommendations and put mental health first. Keep yourself hydrated, maintain proper hygiene and seek reliable health information. It is essential to talk to health care professionals and adapt their recommendations to your needs. You can actively take care of your health by taking these steps.

Learn more about hygiene practice, here:



Answer:It is important to see my doctor regularly for an annual checkup. I will ensure that I receive all vaccinations so that I can prevent serious diseases such as mumps and measles. I will also perform monthly self-exams to check for lumps so that I can detect cancer early. I will visit my dentist twice a year for cleanings, and once a year for a dental exam, so that problems such as cavities can be taken care of promptly.

Explanation: On Edge 2020 also you can put this on there, but in your own words

Getting an annual or physical checkup with a doctor

Having a yearly dental examination

Keeping up to date on vaccinations

Self-examinations of breasts or testicles

Seeing a doctor or dentist when a problem occurs

Getting a yearly eye exam

What part of a wind turbine provides motion to convert into electricity? A.





The part of the wind turbine that converts motion or mechanical energy into electricity is the generator. The reverse action of converting electricity to mechanical energy is called the motor. The blades provide the mechanical energy, on the other hand. 

The answer is the blades.