How does a vaccination make someone immune? Please can you include these words:● antigen
● antibody
● white blood cell
● specific
● pathogen


Answer 1
Answer: A vaccine uses a live pathogen that is too weak to make you sick. Once it enters your body you defeat it easily. Now that yur body is familiar with it your body can fight off the disease in the future.

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1. What are the functions of the following organelles?A. Lysosomes

B. Cell Membrane

C. Mitochondria

D. Ribosomes

E. Chloroplasts

F. Nucleus

G. Vacuole

H. Golgi apparatus


A) Lysosomes: 
The function of the lysosome is to break down old cells and get rid of virus’ and bacteria.
B) Cell Membrane:
To let molecules in and out.
C) Mitochondria:
The function of the Mitochondria is to produce energy. (It is the powerhouse of the cell)
D) Ribosomes: 
Ribosomes make proteins.
E) Chloroplasts:
The Chloroplast is where photosynthesis takes place.
F) Nucleus:
The nucleus is the control center.
G) Vacuole:
The vacuole holds the materials and waste.
H) Golgi Apparatus:
Modifying, sorting, and packing of proteins for secretion.

Hope this helps you! (:

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b. Cretaceous
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The answer is A paleocene
The correct answer is c. Triassic. They diversified during the lower Cretaceous period.

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reintroduction programs
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The answer is b. exotic species.

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