Which of the following is a sentence fragment?A. Checking his mail each day was always fun.
B. Knowing he would be late, she took a nap.
C. Realizing you are getting older is sobering.
D. Hiding in the tree fort he had built as a kid.


Answer 1
Answer: D. would be a sentence fragment because it dose not have a person or subject who is completing the action...My teacher explains it as " If some one just came up to you and said 'Hiding in the tree fort he had built as a kid.' would you understand them? You would be so confused but if it had a subject 'He was hiding in the tree fort he had built as a kid.' It would still be strange but you would understand what they were saying."

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Although they are the same age, the Harris twins are taller than ___.a-I b-us c-them
what is the complete subject in the sentence the organizers of the event were unhappy with the turnout

5.Fill in the gaps with the worlds in the box.(Portable reliable improvements annoying tin opener headphones )
1 Wristwatches nowadays are almost the same as when they were first invented.Few......have been necessary.
2 I know I shouldn't get angry,but it's very .....to be next to someone listening to a personal stereo.
You can hear a constant sound coming out of the.....
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1 improvements. 2 annoying - headphones. 3 portable. 4 reliable. 5 tin opener

Type the correct word from the Word Bank to complete the sentence.Question
Ingrid was working on a family tree for a school project and needed to obtain____records from her grandparents.
word bank



Ingrid was working on a family tree for a school project and needed to obtain genealogical records from her grandparents.

Genealogical has to do with tracing ancestry.

Which of these sentences is in active voice?Every day the mailman gets barked at by dogs on the route.

Scott had brought ice cream to the party.

Two tickets for us were left at the door by the director.

The entire pizza was eaten by only two people.


Scott had brought ice cream to the party.

Which sentence uses commas correctly?a. The southern city Savannah is a beautiful place.
b. The southern city Savannah, is a beautiful place.
c. The southern city, Savannah, is a beautiful place.
d. The southern city, Savannah is a beautiful place.


The question is asking us to answer Which sentence uses commas correctly?. We see here that Savannah is the name of the city and that the city is already mentioned - the name is an extra information. You could for example say "The southern city is a beautiful place". This means that the information about the city name is added, and an added, unnecessary information is surrounded by comas on both sides - so the correct answer isc. The southern city, Savannah, is a beautiful place.


The answer is C


Savannah is extra info

Which form of badly best completes this sentence? I did __________ on the test than Emily did. A. worst B. badly C. worse


I did worse on the test than Emily did. Hence option C is correct.

What is sentence ?

A sentence is a verbal expression in linguistics and grammar, as in the English example "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." It is often described in conventional grammar as a group of words that communicates a full notion or as a unit made up of a subject and predicate. It is often described in non-functional linguistics as a maximum unit of syntactic structure, such as a component. According to functional linguistics, it is a group of written texts that are separated by markers like periods, question marks, and exclamation points as well as graphological traits like capital letters. Contrast this idea with a curve, which is defined by phonological characteristics like pitch and loudness as well as markers like pauses; and with a clause,

Hence option C is correct.

To know more about sentence :



The answer is C because 'worse' describe when we compare how bad between two people, we often use "er" after an adjective and "more" before an adjective when we compare.

What do library's store in vertical files?a) computer software disks
b) old periodicals
c) small printed materials
d) damaged books


C. They usually contain photcopies or papers with information that isn't very essential.