How did Percy become a hero


Answer 1
Answer: In book one, he stopped a great war between Zues- God of the Sky- and Posiden-God of the Sea- from happening.

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Leader of the NATIONAL FASCIST party...
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1 Do not worship any other gods
2 do not make any idols
3 do jot misuse the name of God
4keep the sabbath holy
5 honor your mother and father
6 do not murder
7 do not commit adultry
8do not steal
9do not lie
10 do not covet

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Alexander didn’t. Alexander died before he really reached the “consolidation” and “ruling” parts of his conquest. In fact he was too “ungreek” for his Greek subjects and is one of the reasons rebellions were forming, he was acting to Persian. The spread of Greek culture occured after his empire was carved up into the Hellenistic kingdoms and the rulers their did the spreading. This was done by making Greeks “elites” within the kingdoms. If you want to be important you had to be Greek. As time went on the wealthy non-Greeks imitated Greek culture themselves and learned Greek so as to curry favor with their Greek overlords. In fact the spread of Greek ideas really only occured among the upper classes as the lower classes were mostly left alone and taxed. Of course spreading among the upper classes is the best way to preserve the culture because they were the ones that had copies of books made and these repeated copies being made (along with peicing fragments) is how the modern world reclaimed Greek ideas.

Which if the following groups was most likely to face interrogation at immigration stations during the 1800s?


Chinese Immigrants were officially seized and cross-questioned at Angel Island immigration station in San Francisco Bay. U.S. officers expected to banish as several as doable by asking vague questions about Chinese villages and family histories that immigrants would have bother respondent properly. Men and girls were housed one by one. People held in custody spent abundant of their time within the barracks, suffering between interrogations.


Chinese immigrants


What can you suggest to improve the performance of our present goverment


to take in hands the opinions of everyone. To stop school Shootings. To create activities that will make our country succeed.