A biologist gathered data to show the interaction of golden-cheeked warbler and juniper tree populations.


Answer 1
Answer: A biologist is a scientist that studies in the field of life. Hence, as a scientist he follows the scientific protocol. Also known as the scientific method which invovles observation, prediction, testing, interpretation and conclusion. Hence they use this to unearth the unknowns as what the variables displayed. 

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b. decreased eutrophication
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b. decreased eutrophication

The greatest threat to any life form and the biosphere of the earth is pollution. Pollution is the contamination and deleterious effects of various biogeochemical changes that is caused by mostly man-made processes. This can be exhibited through land, air or water.  


it is B


I just took the test in edge

Why is pollution never a strictly local problem


Because there are many types of pollution. 
Air pollution, water pollution, etc.
The reason it is never local is because it's a chain reaction to the environment.
Example 1:
China has the worst air pollution in the world from factories and cars. The smoke has a depleting effect on the O-zone layer which protects humans from the sun's harmful UV rays. Also, without the protection of the o-zone layer, global warming is increased (yes, it's real) and glaciers begin to melt raising water levels and so forth. So even though the smoke is all the way in China, it affects all of us living on earth.
Example 2:
Let's say there is a oil spill in the ocean which potentially kills or endangers many organisms, like fish. Even though the oil spill was only in that part of the ocean, it affects all the animals because of something called the food chain. If all of a certain fish or animal dies out and that was another animals primary source of food, then it messes up the chain.

When DNA is replicated, the original molecule serves as what?


the old moleule serves as a template.

Explain why proteins are considered polymers but lipids are not



Polymers are made from a chain of one similar subunit bound together in sequence. Proteins are made from polypepetide chains which are sequences of amino acid subunits. Another example of polymer is DNA and RNA made of nucleic acid subunits.

However, lipids do not have one similar subunit but rather variable ways in which the lipid chains can form. For example phospholipid unit is made of a phosphate molecule bound to a fatty acid chain and glycerol. A triglyceride is a subunit of glycerol bound to three fatty acids chains. Cholesterol is also considered a lipid but is made of carbon rings rather than chains. Lipids therefore cannot be referred to as a polymer.


To learn more on polymers check out;





Linnaeus' smallest category in his classification system was the: domain


The smallest category is the species, followed by (including only the choices given) phylum, kingdom and then domain.

Proteins have a variety of functions within a living cell. Describe at least three of the possible functions of proteins, and explain how proteins can be so diverse when there are only a limited number of different amino acids.


anonymous  3 years agoProteins are involved in almost all of the cell's functions. They can act as: Transportation: they can transport hydrophobic molecules in blood for example Regulation: protein hormones and enzymes Receptor: can act as receptors on cell surface and in the subsequent signal transduction (G-protein for instance) It is true that all proteins are made up of up to 20 amino acids, but there are several reasons for their diverse actions: -One reason is the possible sequence and number of amino acids: Met-Ser-His is different from Met-His-Ser for example. Besides, you have different chain length, for a protein is made up of long chain of polypeptide (longer than 50-70 amino acids) and can have any of the 20 amino acids with repetition, so using simple probability, this can provide up to practically unlimited combination with proteins that have chains of thousands of amino acids. -Another very crucial reason for the diversity of protein action is the conformation. A protein passes by at least 3 conformational stages before becoming mature. The straight amino acid chain is the primary structure of the protein that can never be active. Spatial modification of this primary structure results in a secondary structure, Helix or Beta-pleated sheets (or other coiling structure), that is also inactive. Further coiling and bending of the secondary structure produce a 3-dimentional conformation that is the active form of the protein. Moreover, many proteins can undergo further conformational rearrangement and combination with other protein sub-units producing a quaternary structure.