Select the country in Africa that was subjected to apartheid laws once the Afrikaners, or original Dutch settlers, came to power.


Answer 1


South Africa.


Apartheid was a system of institutionalized segregation and racism that existed from 1948 to 1990 in South Africa (and what is now known as Namibia). This nefarious institution dictated that black Africans could not use the same public facilities as the white minority, nor could they have access to the same employment opportunities or housing facilities.

Answer 2
Answer: This was South Africa that was subjected to these laws

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The main way in which the US involvement in the Cold War represented a shift from isolationism to intervention is that it caused the US to get involved in several "proxy wars" (for instance in Korea and Vietnam), which were meant to stop the spread of communism. 

The correct answer is: "During the Cold War era the US adopted the policy of containment".

After WWII, The US had adopted the containment strategy, a foreign affairs approach which focused on stopping the spread of communism worldwide. This is why the US started the Marshall Plan initiative, and sent financial aid to help rebuild Western European countries, in order to set an alliance with them against the expansion of the URSS that had already turned many Eastern European countries into Soviet republics, soon after the end of WWII.

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The foreign policy of the John F. Kennedy administration in 1961–1963 saw diplomatic and military initiatives in Europe,Southeast Asia, Latin America and other regions amid considerable Cold War tensions. Kennedy deployed a new generation of foreign policy experts, dubbed "the best and the brightest".[1] Several of them were from the foreign policy think tanks.[1] Kennedy had been interested in the issues of war and peace since his youth.[2] In his inaugural address Kennedy encapsulated his Cold War stance as following: "Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate".[3]

Kennedy's strategy of flexible response, managed by Robert McNamara, was aimed to reduce the possibility of war by miscalculation. Kennedy's administration contributed to the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis and refrained from further escalation of the 1961 Berlin Crisis. In 1961 Kennedy initiated the creation of Peace Corps, Arms Control and Disarmament Agencyand Alliance for Progress. On October 7, 1963 he signed the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which was accepted by the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.

Kennedy was praised for having a less rigid view of the world than his predecessor Dwight Eisenhower and for accepting the world's diversity, as well as for improving United States' standing in the Third World.[2]

A bicameral state legislature is one thata. has a lieutenant governor.
c. has two houses.
b. is one-chambered.
d. is half Republican and half Democrat.


The best answer to the question that is being presented above would be letter c. A bicameral state legislature is one that has two houses. This is very common in most republics. It is composed of the upper and the lower house. (Congress and House of representatives)

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Congo was colonized by King Leopold II after its annexation. Congo was first found by Henry Morton Stanley in1876. Because of its annexation, the country becomes a personal property of the King. Belgiun government was against the idea of having a colony. So, King Leopold II had used Stanley to conquer Congo

Leopold II established a colony in the Congo to gain natural resources for Belgium and wealth for himself. Under his reign, the Congolese people were terrorized with forced labor and harsh treatment. He wrongly justified his actions by saying that the people of the Congo were inferior, and deserved the treatment they received.

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The most major impact of the abolitionist movement was that it made slavery into an emotional and political issue