Write your question here (Keep it simple and clear to get the best answer)if you. Were appointed as a South African press associated president, discuss five corrective measures you would take to address such a situation?


Answer 1
Answer: Assume that I was appointed as the new president of the Republic of South Africa. It wouldn't be easy to lead 53 million people. Also, the quality of education is poor due to scarcity of food and water. So if I were a president, here are my 5 corrective measures:

1. promote higher quality of education
2. volunteer program for the youth
3. Conduct a study for the root cause of the problem
4. Encourage to maximize all the resources
5. Engage in partnerships to address the problem

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End-stopped line in poetry means that a complete thought or phrase appears on a single line followed by punctuation, while enjambed lines carry over the thought to the line or lines that follow.


Final answer:

Enjambment is when a line of poetry runs onto the next without a syntactic break, creating a run-on effect, while end-stopping is when a line ends with a punctuation mark, indicating a pause.


The correct answer is c) With enjambment a line continues on to the next without a syntactic break. Enjambment and end-stopping are both poetic devices used in poetry to create different effects.

Enjambment is when the line of poetry does not end with a punctuation mark and instead runs onto the next line without a logical or syntactic break, creating a sort of run-on effect.

An example of this can be found in T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”:“I have measured out my life with coffee spoons; / And I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat…” End-stopping, in contrast, is when the line of a poem ends with a punctuation mark, which could be a comma, period, colon, semi-colon or a dash.

This punctuation signifies a pause or stop, like in this example from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18:“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? / Thou art more lovely and more temperate:”

Learn more about Enjambment and End-stopping here:



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Hope it helps<3

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The answer for the part of the operating system communicates with the BIOS, device drivers, resource managers, and APIs to coordinate operating system functions is theKernel.


The Kernel is the part of the operating system that is most visible to users.

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Write a method that takes three numerical String values and sums their values. For example, the call sumStrings("1", "5", "7") would return 13. This is done in Java.



public static int sumStrings(String s1, String s2, String s3) {

       int i1 = Integer.parseInt(s1);

       int i2 = Integer.parseInt(s2);

       int i3 = Integer.parseInt(s3);


       int sum = i1 + i2 + i3;

       return sum;



- Create a method called sumStrings that takes three strings

- Convert each string to integer using Integer.parseInt() method

- Sum the strings

- Return the result

Final answer:

To write a method in Java that takes three numerical String values and sums their values, you can follow these steps.


To write a method in Java that takes three numerical String values and sums their values, you can follow these steps:

  1. Convert the String values to integers using the Integer.parseInt() method.
  2. Add the three converted integers together.
  3. Return the sum as the result of the method.

Here is an example implementation of the sumStrings method:

public class SumCalculator {
  public static int sumStrings(String num1, String num2, String num3) {
      int sum = Integer.parseInt(num1) + Integer.parseInt(num2) + Integer.parseInt(num3);
      return sum;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
      String num1 = "1";
      String num2 = "5";
      String num3 = "7";
      int total = sumStrings(num1, num2, num3);
      System.out.println("The sum is: " + total);

Learn more about Summing numerical String values here:
