Making realistic goals is an important part of creating a healthy body image. How does one determine if a goal is realistic?


Answer 1
Answer: One determine if a goal is realistic if one have the capabilities and requirements to fulfill those goal

For example, if someone work 14 hours a day, the realistic goals to create a healthy body image would be :
I will do 15 minutes intensive workout everyday and start to eat low fat diet
Answer 2

Making realistic goals is an important part of creating a healthy body image. To determine if a goal is realistic one requires several fitness evaluation tests.

Further Explanation:

The body image is consisting of a person’s thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, actions about their appearance and feel. The body image is significant because of the way that an individual influences every characteristic of their lives. Their physical health and mental health are affecting by the body image.

An individual suffering from eating disorder has a negative body image. If a person has developed a negative image it affects muscularity, weight stigma, scars, sexual functioning, visible facial, disability, body differences, body changes related to any disease.

An individual with a healthy body image has an undistorted and objective view of their body and appearance. They do not spend time checking their body and comparing themselves to others, individuals. An individual should make goals to achieve a healthy body image

To determine the goal we should do a fitness evaluation test. This involves a sequence of tests that estimate the physical fitness and health status of an individual. According to the fitness health and goals, there are different tests that one can use to estimate the effectiveness of an individual current routine of their exercise. The fitness testis a good way to track the daily progress of their activity.  

To create a measurable goal helps in checking whether we are progressing or not. If our goals are achieving then we get motivation for another day. When our goals are not satisfactory, it is significant to look for an area that can be better. Then, we have to set a new target for the evaluation and prepare for that goal. We should make our goals and weekly check our progress by fitness test. If we achieve our goals we should give our self-reward.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about component of health

2. Learn more about health product

3. Learn more about the factor that increases the risk of injury

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Physical fitness


Body image, goal, fitness test, healthy body image, negative body image, physical health, evaluation.

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An action plan is used to create a set of steps necessary for achieving a certain goal. It is a document that has these steps on it. It also has the time at which it will be done.

An action plan helps an individual to know what needs to be done in order to achieve a particular goal.

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4. How can I measure my progress?

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Answer details:

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