Macroeconomics studies all of the following EXCEPT which one?A. aggregate supply and demand
B. how different markets affect one another
C. the behavior of economics on a large scale
D. why a specific consumer made a specific choice


Answer 1
Answer: D. why a specific consumer made a specific choice

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Identify the examples of talents. Check all that apply. Angelica knows how to fly an airplane Orlando has good eyesight. Mabel has long legs that help her run fast. Paulette likes to watch television. Carlton has good grades.


Talents are abilities that people are either born with or can improve upon.

In this case flying a plane and having good grades are great talents.

Orlando cannot improve his eyesight by just trying harder. Having long legs is a natural attribute, but not a talent.

Answer: Orlando has good eyesight.

Mabel has long legs that help her run fast.

i just did that on ed and got it right sooooo

When merchandise is sold and the perpetual system of inventory is used, the journal entry for a sale would include:_____.a. debiting Cost of Goods Sold and crediting Accounts Receivable. b. debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Sales. c. debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Cost of Goods Sold. d. debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Inventory.



b. debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Sales.


When merchandise is sold and the perpetual system of inventory is used, the journal entry for a sale would include debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Sales.

A perpetual system of inventory can be defined as a process of financial accounting, which involves the recording of informations about an inventory on a continuous basis (in real-time) as the sales or purchases are made through the use of enterprise management software applications and a digitized point-of-sale services.

In Accounting, to record a journal entry for a sale on an account, the account receivable would be debited because it is an asset and shall be increased with debits while crediting the sales account for the amount being paid by the customer.

Under a perpetual system of inventory, updates of the journal entry for a sale would include debiting Accounts Receivable and crediting Sales immediately as it is being made or happening. This is to ensure that the inventory account balance is always accurate provided there are no spoilage, theft etc.

Final answer:

In a hypothesis test, we formulate a null hypothesis and evaluate sample data to decide if there's enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. If the evidence supports the null hypothesis, we do not reject it. If it favors the alternative, we reject the null hypothesis.


When conducting a hypothesis test, we basically formulate a null hypothesis and then evaluate the test results to determine if there is enough evidence to reject this hypothesis or not. The initial null hypothesis is a claim, typically denoted with H0, that we initially assume to be true. Here, the null statement must always contain some form of equality (=, ≤, or ≥).

After formulating our null hypothesis, data is collected from a sample and evaluated. The evidence from this sample data is then used to decide if we have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis or not. If the evidence supports the null hypothesis, we do not reject it. If it favors the alternative hypothesis, we reject the null hypothesis.

It's important to note that a hypothesis test is a procedure for determining whether the hypothesis stated is a reasonable statement and should not be rejected, or is unreasonable and should be rejected. This process of decision making is crucial in various scientific and statistical research methodologies.

Learn more about Hypothesis Testing here:


The return on investment (ROI) from education is typically the highest for:?A. A high school graduate
B. A college applicant
C. Someone with a 2-year (Associate) degree
D. Someone with a 4-year (Bachelor’s) degree


A bachelor's degree has the best return on investment. Someone with a four year degree who already has a job lined up right after graduation will see an immediate benefit and will continue to benefit from this degree. The money spent obtaining the degree will surely be paid off when said individual lands a job in their ideal career field.

Suppose the required reserve ratio is 20%. A $10 million cash deposit will allow commercial banks to create at most A) $20 million. B) $100 million. C) $50 million. D) $2 million


The correct answer is D

QUESTION 2 When looking to finance higher education, what is the best order to look for funding sources?


The correct order would be :

Grants/Scholarships - Federal student loans - Private Loans

Grants/Scholarship , which mean you got somebody else pay the tuition for you and you could pursue your education for free

Federal student loans, usually in a fixed low interest rates and is really flexible in payment term

Private loans , usually in a  high interest rate and fixed payment term

Final answer:

The best order to look for funding sources for higher education is scholarships and grants, followed by federal student loans, and finally private student loans.


When looking to finance higher education, it is best to consider funding sources in a specific order:

  1. Scholarships and Grants: Start by searching for scholarships and grants that do not need to be repaid. These can be obtained from various sources such as colleges, organizations, or government programs.
  2. Federal Student Loans: If scholarships and grants are not sufficient to cover the costs, consider applying for federal student loans. These loans often have lower interest rates and more flexible repayment options compared to private loans.
  3. Private Student Loans: As a last resort, consider private student loans. These loans are provided by banks and other financial institutions and usually have higher interest rates and more strict repayment terms.

Learn more about Funding sources for higher education here:


if the price elasticity of demand for food is less then 1 (inelastic), an increase in supply due to an improvement in technology will result in a ______ price and _______ in total revenue.



... an increase in supply due to an improvement in technology will result in a lower price and decrease in total revenue.


Price Elasticity of Demand = % change in quantity demanded / % change in price

When elasticity < 1, % change in price will be larger than % change in quantity demanded.

Increase in supply means increase in quantity to be sold. There will be a larger decrease in price (Normally when price rises quantity demanded falls and vice versa)

Revenue = Price x Quantity => when price decreases more than quantity increases, revenue will fall